Dried Fruit

Sultanas: yields still fail to recover

May 14, 2024 at 3:41 PM , Der AUDITOR
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MANISA. The hailstorms on the first weekend of May are said to have caused damage to vines in some of Manisa's growing regions. Meanwhile, the current production estimates for the coming season were published during the International Nut and Dried Fruit Congress last week.

Hail damage in Manisa

Manisa has had a few cool and cloudy days, with daytime temperatures reaching 25-33°C. It is expected to get warmer again later this week. Meanwhile, the Aegean Exporters' Association, the Manisa and Alaşehir Commodity Exchanges and the local representation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry have joined forces to evaluate possible damage that may have occurred in the growing regions due to the hailstorms on the first weekend of May. In some cases, the loss rate in the observed region is said to be 5-40%, with the hailstones damagi

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