Market updates on a whole range of agri-food products with up-to-date price trends
Fruit and Vegetables
Jul 10, 2024

Dried beans: larger acreages

BEIJING. With prices being attractive for sellers, acreages of both black and red kidney beans in China are expected to increase this year. Mung bean sales have improved, while adzuki bean traders are pinning their hopes on the Lunar Festival.
Dairy Products
Jun 27, 2024

Butter: football partly to blame

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Demand for butter has improved despite the holiday season starting in Germany. Football is partly to blame for this. EU exports have surged to China.
Dried Fruit
Jun 26, 2024

Dates: Morocco relies on high imports

MARRAKECH/CAIRO. Morocco is the second largest importer of dates in the world after India. However, thanks to higher production in its own country, imports could decline slightly this season. Egyptian exporters are still struggling with the situation in the Red Sea.
Fruit and Vegetables
Jun 11, 2024

Pulses: Turkey relies on high imports

ANKARA. Turkey has set a new record for exports of cereals, pulses and oilseeds – but experts emphasise that this is only possible thanks to a large volume of imports.
Fruit and Vegetables
Jun 5, 2024

Dried beans: different price trends

BEIJING. While prices for red kidney beans have skyrocketed in China, the situation is different for black kidney beans. Demand is slowly picking up on the mung bean market.
Dried Fruit
May 16, 2024

Dates: Saudi Arabia remains top producer

REUS/TEHRAN. As the latest INC estimates show, Saudi Arabia will remain the most important producer of table dates in the 2024/25 season. Iran, meanwhile, has recorded a significant increase in exports.
Fruit and Vegetables
May 8, 2024

Dried beans: stable market for red kidney beans

BEIJING. While prices for black kidney beans continue to fall due to weak demand, the situation is different for red kidney beans. Mung bean imports from Myanmar are declining.
Dairy Products
Apr 25, 2024

Butter: cold weather drives demand

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Cold weather conditions are failing to stimulate demand for cream in Germany, but the situation is a bit different for butter. EU exports to the US have declined notably in 2024.
Dried Fruit
Apr 23, 2024

Dates: upsurge in global production

REUS/TEHRAN. Table date production has risen sharply in 2023/2024 as the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) has recently confirmed. While Saudi Arabia highlights the importance of targeting Asian markets, Iran emphasises its leading position in the market for fresh dates.
Fruit and Vegetables
Apr 17, 2024

Pulses: wasted potential

ANKARA. Turkey only uses one third of its processing capacity for pulses, despite global demand being on the rise. Heated debates are underway as Turkey is a net importer of dry beans, green lentils and red lentils, whereas chickpeas are the silver lining.
Fruit and Vegetables
Apr 3, 2024

Dried beans: mung bean market under pressure

BEIJING. Arrivals from Myanmar are putting increasing pressure on the Chinese mung bean market. Prices for black and red kidney beans have risen, while demand for adzuki beans is increasing.
Dairy Products
Apr 2, 2024

Butter: at a crossroads

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. In Germany the bulk butter market has reached a turning point. EU butter exports range lower than last year and EU butter production dipped.
Dried Fruit
Mar 20, 2024

Dates: crackdown convicts fraudsters in Saudi Arabia

DHAKA/RIYADH. The authorities in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh were able to convict seven fraudsters who had passed off inferior dates as premium goods. In Bangladesh and India, meanwhile, date prices rise noticeably during Ramadan.
Fruit and Vegetables
Feb 28, 2024

Dried beans: New Year festivities keep prices stable

BEIJING. As trade is slow to pick up in the two weeks following Chinese New Year, prices for dried beans are largely stable. Adzuki beans are, however, an exception.
Dairy Products
Feb 22, 2024

Butter: gearing up for Easter

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Butter manufacturers are gearing up for Easter in Germany. EU exports witnessed a record-breaking year in 2023. EU butter is highly competitive in the global market, despite internal quotations being on the rise.
Fruit and Vegetables
Feb 13, 2024

Pulses: positive prospects for 2024

ANKARA. After a very successful year 2023, market players in the Turkish pulses market are optimistic about 2024 as well. What matters here is the appropriate support, with which the sector can still achieve a great deal.
Dried Fruit
Feb 12, 2024

Dates: Ramadan drives demand

CAIRO. The demand for dates, which are an essential part of Ramadan, has increased massively, especially in Muslim countries. Egyptian exporters, who can look back on an excellent season, are among those benefiting from this.
Fruit and Vegetables
Jan 31, 2024

Dried beans: adzuki bean farmers empty their warehouses

BEIJING. Growers in China's adzuki bean-growing regions are currently selling their remaining produce, in some cases at very favourable prices. Meanwhile, organic kidney beans are becoming scarce and the remaining stocks of mung beans are also lower than last year.
Dairy Products
Jan 24, 2024

Butter: surprising twist in demand

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Contrary to expectations demand for butter is surprisingly strong in Germany. EU exports are still experiencing a record high, whereas EU quotations range on a less welcome level.
Fruit and Vegetables
Jan 17, 2024

Dried beans: prices for kidney beans are rising

BEIJING. While prices for Chinese kidney beans have risen significantly in recent weeks, other bean varieties have maintained their price levels for the time being. High freight costs are dampening export demand.
Dried Fruit
Jan 4, 2024

Dates: massive increase in demand in Egypt

CAIRO/TUNIS. As the experts at FreshPlaza report, buying interest for Egyptian Medjool dates has skyrocketed - this harbours many opportunities for market players, but also challenges. In Tunisia, premium dates of the Deglet Nour variety are already in short supply.
Dried Fruit
Dec 19, 2023

Dates: record crop and water crisis

BANDAR ABBAS. Although the prevailing water crisis is forcing producers to rethink the way in which dates are cultivated in Iran, a record crop has been harvested in Hormozgan Province.
Fruit and Vegetables
Dec 6, 2023

Dried beans: China increases mung bean imports

BEIJING. According to the Chinese customs office, the country has significantly increased its mung bean imports from Uzbekistan. Snowfall is making loading difficult in some areas where black kidney beans are grown.
Dairy Products
Nov 30, 2023

Butter: strong demand overwhelms manufacturers

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Manufacturers in Germany are overwhelmed by the strong retail demand for butter at the start of the Christmas season. EU exports retained their record strength in September.
Dried Fruit
Nov 22, 2023

Dates: work resumed

TEL AVIV. After the Hamas attack at the beginning of October, the Israeli date sector has now resumed work, albeit not yet at full capacity. German imports are declining.
Dairy Products
Nov 9, 2023

Butter: at a crossroads

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Butter has enjoyed highly attractive prices in the EU and exports are up. Rates may still range lower than last year but are currently deemed expensive.
Fruit and Vegetables
Nov 8, 2023

Pulses: production planning becomes a matter for the ministry

ANKARA. It was recently decided in Turkey that production planning for various agricultural products will now be the responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture. The fact that pulses have a low water requirement should benefit the sector in Turkey, where water is scarce.
Fruit and Vegetables
Nov 1, 2023

Dried beans: lower production in China

BEIJING. China's 2023/2024 adzuki bean crop may be smaller than last year, yet carry-in supplies should compensate for shortfalls. A similar situation persists for black kidney beans. The prices for red kidney beans are still on the rise.
Dried Fruit
Oct 25, 2023

Dates: positive outlook for the new season

TEHERAN/CAIRO. Growers in important origins such as Iran, Morocco and Turkey are optimistic about the new season, as the crops have turned out well and are convincing with their quality. In addition, big plans are being made for the future.
Dairy Products
Oct 12, 2023

Butter: remarkably resilient

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Unusually warm weather prevails in many western European countries and autumn is slow to set in. This ties in with the unusual weather patterns witnessed throughout the EU in spring and summer, with unusually cold and wet conditions prevailing in some parts of the bloc and drought and heat in other parts. EU dairy production has, however, proved remarkably resilient this year and butter is performing really well in the global market.
Fruit and Vegetables
Oct 4, 2023

Dried beans: prices for red kidney beans extremely high

BEIJING. The high prices for Chinese red kidney beans are discouraging buyers, so there is currently little trade. Exports of black kidney beans, meanwhile, are declining sharply, and the situation is similar in the mung bean market.
Fruit and Vegetables
Sep 7, 2023

Pulses: Turkey increases exports

ANKARA. Turkish exports of pulses, oilseeds and cereals were more than 10% higher in the first seven months of the year compared to the same period last year. Nevertheless, there are still hurdles that market players are increasingly trying to overcome.
Fruit and Vegetables
Sep 6, 2023

Dried beans: sharp price declines for black kidney beans

BEIJING. Weak demand has caused prices for Chinese black kidney beans to decline significantly. The low buying interest is also still felt in the other bean markets.
Dairy Products
Aug 24, 2023

Butter: sustained run on EU supplies

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. While large parts of Germany are now witnessing a foreboding of autumn with rain and cooler temperatures, summers is still having an impact on the butter market. EU export have reached an absolute record in the first half of the year.
Dried Fruit
Aug 23, 2023

Dates: climate change has a strong impact

CAIRO/AMMAN. High temperatures are affecting date production in both Jordan and Egypt, albeit to different degrees. Israel, meanwhile, has high hopes for exports to China.
Fruit and Vegetables
Aug 8, 2023

Pulses: odd export restrictions apply in Turkey

ANKARA/OTTAWA. New export regulations apply in Turkey for red lentils and chickpeas. Harvesting is well underway for lentils and peas in Canada, but news could be better.
Fruit and Vegetables
Aug 2, 2023

Dried beans: low demand in summer

BEIJING. In the summer months, buying interest in the Chinese pulse market usually wanes, and beans are no exception this year. There are also reports from the growing regions of difficulties in loading the goods.
Fruit and Vegetables
Jul 31, 2023

Dried lentils: large price disparity

OTTAWA/ANKARA. In Canada, buyers are wondering about the large price differential between red and green lentils; market experts reckon that there could be adjustments soon. The outlook for the Turkish crop this year is very promising.
Dried Fruit
Jul 19, 2023

Dates: limited water resources cap production

KERMAN. Iran may only rank fourth in the INC’s table date production chart, but the country sports a rich diversity of different varieties. Suppliers admit that water supply is a problem.
Fruit and Vegetables
Jul 19, 2023

Dried lentils: smaller acreage in North America

OTTAWA/ANKARA. Lentil acreage in the US and Canada is smaller this season, which is expected to tighten supplies. In Australia, farmers are hoping for rain, while the outlook for Turkey is promising.
Fruit and Vegetables
Jul 5, 2023

Dried beans: prices for adzuki beans have increased

BEIJING. While prices for adzuki beans have increased a little, the situation on the other Chinese bean markets is largely different. Demand still leaves much to be desired and the drought is causing problems for farmers.
Jul 5, 2023

Sugar: high prices fail to impress buyers

BRASÍLIA/BRUSSELS. Grounds are slippery in Brazil’s sugar market as local traders do not only need to keep a close eye on quotations in New York and London but are also confronted with manipulation and fraud. The EU may not be Brazil’s top export destination, but raw cane sugar imports have soared despite prices being high.
Fruit and Vegetables
May 31, 2023

Dried beans: sowing is almost complete

BEIJING. While sowing is almost complete in China, the dried bean market continues to be sluggish with little trading taking place. This also leaves prices largely stagnant.
Dairy Products
May 25, 2023

Butter: crazy run on EU supplies

KEMPTEN/BRUSSELS. Ridiculously low prices have prompted quite a twist in EU butter exports in March. Although shipments to the USA have almost doubled, Singapore has taken the lead for European exporters. Expectation is that the market will turn in Germany.
Fruit and Vegetables
May 24, 2023

Dried lentils: high production estimates

OTTAWA/NEW DELHI. If the current production estimates for 2023 come true, the global lentil crop would record the second highest yield in history. A tender from India has caused surprise in the market.
Fruit and Vegetables
May 3, 2023

Dried lentils: speculation shapes the market

OTTAWA. According to Chelmer Foods, various speculations and rumours are currently doing the rounds in the lentil market. This concerns especially the demand situation in India, but also the price development in Canada and the crop prospects in Europe.
Dried Fruit
May 3, 2023

Dates: first downturn in EU

TEHRAN/BRUSSELS. Ramadan boosted demand for dates in Iran in the first quarter. Demand has thereby taken a most peculiar twist in Turkey. EU imports, however, witnessed a downturn in 2022.
Fruit and Vegetables
Apr 26, 2023

Dried beans: price declines with one exception

BEIJING. Due to low demand, the Chinese market for dried beans has seen some significant price declines - with one exception. The prospect of price increases in the near future is rather slim.