Market updates on a whole range of dried fruit with up-to-date price trends
Dried Fruit
Jul 25, 2024

Prunes: experts confirm US crop forecast

SACRAMENTO. In its latest report, the California Prune Board has once again confirmed the production forecasts for the US prune crop published in May.
Jul 23, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: defying the export decline

MANILA. While exports of Philippine coconut products have fallen year-on-year, desiccated coconuts are defying this downward trend. Competitive pressure and the situation in the Red Sea are making things difficult for exporters.
Dried Fruit
Jul 23, 2024

Dried figs: early harvest expected in Aydin

AYDIN. Fig farmers in Aydin were already able to start harvesting their table fruit in the second week of July. Due to the high temperatures, the harvest for dried fig production should not be long in coming.
Dried Fruit
Jul 23, 2024

Sultanas: heat makes fruit ripen faster

MANISA. The high temperatures of the past few days have accelerated the ripening process of the fruit in the Manisa growing regions. As a result, the harvest could start earlier than previously assumed.
Dried Fruit
Jul 23, 2024

Dried apricots: drying goes smoothly

MALATYA. The conditions in the Turkish growing regions continue to be optimal and both the harvest in the mountains and the drying of the apricots harvested in the valleys have so far gone without a hitch. Prices for the new crop have declined again.
Dried Fruit
Jul 16, 2024

Dried figs: market players remain suspicious

AYDIN. The figs in the Turkish province of Aydin are developing well, with the warm temperatures allowing the fruit to ripen quickly. However, a sudden change in the weather could have negative consequences for yields.
Dried Fruit
Jul 16, 2024

Dried apricots: first prices for the new crop

MALATYA. The start of the 2024/25 season is imminent and Turkish dried apricot exporters are making their first offers for the new crop. There was some rainfall in Malatya, but it did not cause any major damage.
Dried Fruit
Jul 16, 2024

Sultanas: harvest to start one week early

MANISA. Tariş will issue a purchase price for the new crop at the start of August. As least year's production was rather disappointing for raisins and sultanas exports are lagging behind in terms of volume but have risen sharply in terms of value.
Dried Fruit
Jul 10, 2024

Dried cranberries: global production to increase by almost 9%

QUÉBEC. After a rather disappointing year, experts are forecasting an increase in the production of dried cranberries for the 2024/2025 season. Meanwhile, EU imports have fallen by 40% this year.
Dried Fruit
Jul 9, 2024

Sultanas: lower yield prospects despite good weather

MANISA. In the Sarıgöl region in the Turkish province of Manisa, the first grapes for the current production have now been harvested. The warm weather should allow sultana production to start around a week earlier than usual.
Dried Fruit
Jul 9, 2024

Dried figs: rain is good news

AYDIN. As the heat is on in Turkey rain was highly welcomed in Aydin last weekend. This rain also spells good news for figs.
Dried Fruit
Jul 9, 2024

Dried apricots: harvest is in full swing

MALATYA. The harvest is in full swing in the valleys of Turkey's apricot-growing regions and conditions are ideal. However, exporters are still cautious when it comes to prices for new crop.
Dried Fruit
Jul 2, 2024

Dried apricots: first new crop arrivals

MALATYA. Harvesting is underway and the first dried apricots from the new crop are already being sold. Last year’s devastating earthquakes are still having an impact on output. Targets for the new export season are perhaps a bit too ambitious.
Dried Fruit
Jul 2, 2024

Dried figs: black fly under control

AYDIN. Efforts to gain control over the black fig fly have paid off in Aydin. The weather is warm and the trees are doing well. Harvesting may start earlier for figs this year.
Dried Fruit
Jul 2, 2024

Sultanas: good prospects

MANISA. Harvesting is going well in Turkey. Although the market still thinks it too early to celebrate, attractive offers are already circulating for sultanas. Expectation is also that production will rise in Iran this year.
Dried Fruit
Jun 27, 2024

Prunes: high demand from China

SANTIAGO. Despite lower production results this year, demand for Chilean prunes is increasing. This is also having an impact on prices.
Dried Fruit
Jun 26, 2024

Dates: Morocco relies on high imports

MARRAKECH/CAIRO. Morocco is the second largest importer of dates in the world after India. However, thanks to higher production in its own country, imports could decline slightly this season. Egyptian exporters are still struggling with the situation in the Red Sea.
Dried Fruit
Jun 25, 2024

Dried apricots: harvest workers have arrived

MALATYA. Harvesters from neighbouring provinces have arrived in Malatya to help local farmers with the apricot harvest. This should begin in full force in the next few days; the conditions for are ideal.
Dried Fruit
Jun 25, 2024

Dried figs: confident crop prospects

AYDIN. The pollination period is going well in the fig regions and market players are confident that production could exceed that of last year.
Dried Fruit
Jun 25, 2024

Sultanas: trading slow to pick up

MANISA. Trading is slow to pick up for sultanas in Turkey. Attention is centred on the new crop.
Dried Fruit
Jun 20, 2024

Dried apricots: first official yield estimates published

MALATYA. Following the studies to determine yields in Malatya's apricot orchards, the first official estimates for dried apricot production in 2024/25 have now been published. Trade is at a standstill in Turkey due to the Feast of Sacrifice.
Dried Fruit
Jun 20, 2024

Dried figs: producers fight nightmare pest

AYDIN. In a race against time producers are trying to get a grip on the black fig fly. This nightmare pest will cause extensive damage to fresh and dried figs if not brought under control within the next week or two.
Dried Fruit
Jun 20, 2024

Sultanas: production may not live up to forecasts

MANISA. Scepticism prevails as to in how far production will meet expectations for sultanas in 2024/2025. Tariş will announce a purchasing price on 1 August.
Dried Fruit
Jun 11, 2024

Sultanas: damage still to be assessed

MANISA. Rain intermixed with hail may have caused quite a bit of damage in parts of Manisa last weekend and the situation is still being assessed. Price levels could range high for sultanas at the start of the new season.
Dried Fruit
Jun 11, 2024

Dried figs: growing regions under observation

AYDIN. Growers in Aydin are concerned about the emergence of the black fig fly and are taking appropriate measures. Trading activity remains low.
Dried Fruit
Jun 11, 2024

Dried apricots: yield estimates almost concluded

MALATYA. Next week, dried apricot trade in Turkey will largely come to a standstill due to the Eid al-Adha festival. After that, the majority of farmers are expected to start harvesting; conditions remain very favourable.
Jun 10, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: overheated freight rates

BRUSSELS/MANILA. Freight rate speculations are still a hot topic for desiccated coconuts. Yet, this price bubble may burst. Demand is not quite up to scratch in Europe.
Dried Fruit
Jun 4, 2024

Dried figs: new crop is too expensive

AYDIN. The pollination phase has begun in the fig-growing regions of Aydin. The first crop estimates are expected at the end of this month.
Dried Fruit
Jun 4, 2024

Sultanas: crop forecasts still realistic

MANISA. Favourable weather conditions make market players confident that the crop forecasts can be achieved. Nevertheless, buyers must expect a massive price increase for the new crop compared to last year.
Dried Fruit
Jun 4, 2024

Dried apricots: drastic price drops

MALATYA. The 2023/24 export season is virtually over and there is hardly any buying interest for the old crop, which is driving prices down significantly. The prospects for the new crop remain excellent.
Dried Fruit
Jun 3, 2024

Prunes: lower production anticipated

REUS/BRUSSELS. Global prune production will decline in nearly all leading producing countries in 2024/2025. EU imports have dipped to a three-year low this year.
Dried Fruit
May 28, 2024

Dried figs: farmers prepare for pollination

AYDIN. Pollination is about to start and first estimates for this year's fig crop will be issued at the end of June. The current crop is completely sold out.
Dried Fruit
May 28, 2024

Dried apricots: harvest about to start

MALATYA. Harvesting will start in mid-June for apricots in Turkey and the current export season might even be completed before Eid al-Adha, the Festival of the Sacrifice. Weather conditions are still favourable.
Dried Fruit
May 28, 2024

Sultanas: market a bit more normal

MANISA. After madness has prevailed for sultanas in Turkey in recent weeks, things have now improved a bit.
May 27, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: 100 million new trees to revitalise industry

MANILA. In planting 100 million coconut trees the Philippine government aims to revitalise the industry. High freight rates present quite a challenge.
Dried Fruit
May 21, 2024

Dried figs: hard work pays off

AYDIN. Problems concerning the Mediterranean fruit fly are more or less under control, yet the fig yards are still being monitored. Trouble is also that the trees urgently require some rain.
Dried Fruit
May 21, 2024

Dried apricots: panic is spreading

MALATYA. The excellent prospects for the new crop are causing apricot prices to fall further, prompting growers to act with haste. The harvest of fresh apricots is due to start in mid-June.
Dried Fruit
May 21, 2024

Sultanas: EU increases imports from China by more than 350%

MANISA. The supply of goods on the Turkish sultana market is dwindling, and now the dried fruit exporters are also facing competition from the alcohol industry.
Dried Fruit
May 16, 2024

Dates: Saudi Arabia remains top producer

REUS/TEHRAN. As the latest INC estimates show, Saudi Arabia will remain the most important producer of table dates in the 2024/25 season. Iran, meanwhile, has recorded a significant increase in exports.
May 15, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: heatwave exacerbates raw material shortage

MANILA. The extremely high temperatures in the Asian countries of origin are likely to exacerbate the commodity shortage for the 2025 crop. A similar scenario was already observed last year.
Dried Fruit
May 14, 2024

Dried figs: Turkey expects a 20% larger crop

AYDIN. Turkish dried fig farmers have to hurry to prepare their plantations for the coming season due to the warm temperatures. Global dried fig production is expected to increase by 9% in 2024.
Dried Fruit
May 14, 2024

Sultanas: yields still fail to recover

MANISA. The hailstorms on the first weekend of May are said to have caused damage to vines in some of Manisa's growing regions. Meanwhile, the current production estimates for the coming season were published during the International Nut and Dried Fruit Congress last week.
Dried Fruit
May 14, 2024

Dried apricots: first estimates for the 2024/25 season

MALATYA/REUS. The INC has published its first production estimates for the 2024/25 dried apricot season. Growers in Turkey are still very satisfied with current developments.
Dried Fruit
May 7, 2024

Dried figs: cooler weather provides for recovery

AYDIN. Cooler temperatures and rain showers should create better conditions for the development of the fig crop in Aydin. Nevertheless, there are problems that could have a negative impact on yields.
Dried Fruit
May 7, 2024

Dried apricots: weather offers the best conditions

MALATYA. Turkish apricot farmers could not wish for better weather for the development of their new crop. The good crop prospects are also forcing exporters to take action.
Dried Fruit
May 7, 2024

Sultanas: market takes chaotic turn

MANISA. Temperatures were slightly cooler in Manisa last week and a hail storm damaged some vineyards at the weekend. Prices have taken a chaotic turn.
Dried Fruit
Apr 30, 2024

Dried figs: Mediterranean fruit flies pose great risk

AYDIN. While the current cooler weather is welcome news for figs, a dangerous fly may cause extensive damage.
Dried Fruit
Apr 30, 2024

Sultanas: prices set to rise by 50%

MANISA. Rumours are circulating in Turkey's sultana market. Reports state that growers will sharply raise their prices for the new crop. Concerns over another disappointing production are driving the market.