Market updates on edible nuts with up-to-date price trends
Jul 24, 2024

Pistachios: Germany's imports have increased massively

FRESNO/TEHRAN. This year's crop in the USA is unlikely to match last year's volume, but will still be good. Iranian prices continue to fall, while Germany has significantly increased its imports.
Jul 24, 2024

Macadamias: good prospects in South Africa

CANBERRA/CAPE TOWN. South African macadamia growers are very optimistic about the 2024 crop. In Australia, estimates had to be revised slightly, but overall the situation on the international market appears promising.
Jul 23, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: defying the export decline

MANILA. While exports of Philippine coconut products have fallen year-on-year, desiccated coconuts are defying this downward trend. Competitive pressure and the situation in the Red Sea are making things difficult for exporters.
Jul 22, 2024

Peanuts: Texas struggles with drought

NEW DELHI/AUSTIN. Although US growing regions in the Southwest have faced some heavy rains, growers in parts of Texas continue to face drought and water shortages. In India, prices could soon receive support.
Jul 18, 2024

Hazelnuts: palpable suspense

BRUSSELS/ORDU. Given that prices have surged this season it is quite remarkable that EU imports have risen for hazelnuts in the first six months of the year. Suspense is palpable in Turkey with the TMO and Ferrero expected to take decisive action very soon. Offers for the new crop are circulating.
Jul 17, 2024

Cashews: Vietnam records strong exports

HANOI/NEW DELHI. Vietnam's exports in the first half of 2024 are quite impressive, and many destination countries have increased their purchase volumes. Meanwhile, prices in India remain stable.
Jul 16, 2024

Almonds: tight supplies and speculations

SACRAMENTO. Opinions may be contradicting but June was a very strong month for US almonds. With the season in its final stages concerns are being voiced over remaining supplies and the state of the new crop.
Jul 15, 2024

Peanuts: Indian prices under pressure

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. In India, peanut prices continue to fall with the prospect of a good crop. Demand in Argentina is good, while Brazil is struggling badly. In the USA, the weather will prove decisive.
Jul 15, 2024

Pistachios: incredible hike in EU spending

BRUSSELS/TEHRAN. EU imports surged to record high levels for pistachios in the first half of the year. US shipments have basically flooded the market, much to the detriment of Iran.
Jul 11, 2024

Walnuts: strong imports and exports

BRUSSELS/FOLSOM. EU imports have surged for walnuts in the first six months of 2024. Shipments from Ukraine have risen by an incredible 82%. US exports are also strong.
Jul 11, 2024

Almonds: yields are not fantastic

SACRAMENTO. Production estimates stand 7% lower than in May in the USDA’s Objective Measurement Report issued on Wednesday. Although California is expecting the third largest crop on record, yields still leave a lot to be desired.
Jul 9, 2024

Cashews: EU imports at record high

BRUSSELS/NEW DELHI. EU cashew nut imports have hit a record high. Confusion reigns in Vietnam and opinions are divided as to which way prices will turn.
Jul 9, 2024

Macadamias: AMS revises crop forecast amid weather challenges

BRISBANE. Adverse weather conditions have prompted the Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) to revise the 2024 crop estimate.
Jul 8, 2024

Peanuts: quality is the issue

NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. Argentina's peanut crop is of good quality this year – the situation is different in Brazil, and the moisture content is still too high in India. China is buying significantly less than last year.
Jul 8, 2024

Almonds: heated debates in Spain

MADRID. Spain reports strong exports. A new aflatoxin alert has fuelled heated debates about cheap US imports for almonds. This week will prove decisive for US almonds.
Jul 2, 2024

Pistachios: estimates under scrutiny

FRESNO/TEHRAN. US exports witnessed a dent in May and US crop estimates have come under scrutiny for pistachios. Turkey will displace Iran as second most important producing country in 2024/2025.
Jul 1, 2024

Hazelnuts: frustrating negotiations in Europe

ORDU. With the TMO stirring irritation and a price tug-of-war underway in Europe things are not exactly running smoothly for hazelnuts at the end of the season.
Jul 1, 2024

Peanuts: tide is about to turn

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Peanuts are in for significant changes in India. Differing production estimates have emerged for the USA. Exporters are struggling with tight supplies in South America.
Jun 26, 2024

Cashews: bigger dip in global production

REUS/NEW DELHI. Global production estimates for cashews have slipped below the 5 million mt mark. Cambodia is extremely lucky. Stubbornness prevails in India.
Jun 25, 2024

Almonds: highly optimistic projections

REUS/SACRAMENTO. Supplies will not be an issue for almonds in 2024/2025. The estimates presented at the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) Congress in May are upbeat. Things also look much better than anticipated in Spain.
Jun 24, 2024

Peanuts: market receives support

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Upward trending edible oil markets and increased demand from the Middle East are keeping Indian peanut prices from declining too much. The situation in America is mixed.
Jun 24, 2024

Pine nuts: erratic figures in Asia

REUS. International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC) production figures are erratic for pine nuts in Asia. Illegal harvesting is a big problem in Mongolia. Turkey is the leading producing country in the Mediterranean.
Jun 20, 2024

Walnuts: hit and miss exports

FOLSOM. Although exports continued strong in May, they failed to compensate for the downturn in domestic shipments as the latest shipment report issued by the California Walnut Board shows.
Jun 19, 2024

Macadamias: the situation is improving

NAIROBI/CAPE TOWN. After macadamia prices reached an all-time low in 2023, market players are more optimistic for the coming season. Global demand is rising steadily, which should also stabilise prices.
Jun 18, 2024

Cashews: processors struggle with RCN shortage

HANOI/NEW DELHI. The short supply of raw cashew nuts poses major challenges for Vietnamese processors and exporters. Meanwhile, Germany's imports are remaining at roughly the same level as last year.
Jun 18, 2024

Hazelnuts: buyers shun offers

ORDU. With Ferrero and the TMO eyeing up the new crop the normal dynamics of supply and demand have reappeared for hazelnuts for now at least. News from the orchards has prompted the estimates for the new crop to be revised.
Jun 17, 2024

Peanuts: significant crop decline in Brazil

NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. The Brazilian peanut crop is significantly lower this season than in the last two years. This in turn plays into the hands of Argentinian exporters. In India, sowing for the new crop is about to start.
Jun 17, 2024

Pistachios: China to boost demand

FRESNO/TEHRAN. US exports have experienced a 67% surge for pistachios. Chinese New Year should boost demand in autumn. Drought is a big problem in Iran.
Jun 12, 2024

Almonds: supply speculations

SACRAMENTO. May was another strong month for US almonds. Demand is particularly strong in India. Question is how well supply and demand will remain balanced.
Jun 11, 2024

Cashews: Côte d’Ivoire partially lifts export ban

YAMOUSSOUKRO/NEW DELHI. World leading producing country Côte d’Ivoire has partially lifted the export ban for raw cashew nuts (RCN). Cambodia has upped exports to Vietnam. India faces a mixed season.
Jun 10, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: overheated freight rates

BRUSSELS/MANILA. Freight rate speculations are still a hot topic for desiccated coconuts. Yet, this price bubble may burst. Demand is not quite up to scratch in Europe.
Jun 10, 2024

Peanuts: China focusses on self-sufficiency

NEW DELHI/BEIJING. Everything about the situation in China currently indicates that the country wants to meet the demand for peanuts as far as possible from its own cultivation. This is also being felt on the Indian market.
Jun 3, 2024

Peanuts: good prospects for the Indian winter crop

NEW DELHI. In India, sowing for the winter crop is imminent and so far the forecasts are encouraging. There have been slight harvest delays in Argentina and the weather is playing a decisive role in all growing countries.
Jun 3, 2024

Walnuts: weak finish to season

SANTIAGO. Chile witnessed a weak finish to the export season for walnuts. Strong demand in India supported shipments. Prospects are far from encouraging in 2024/2025.
May 29, 2024

Cashews: crop losses drive market

HANOI. Drought has reduced production in quite a few leading cashew producing countries. While RCN prices are on the rise, the situation is quite different in the export market.
May 27, 2024

Peanuts: US exporters to fill the gap

NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. As crop declines are anticipated in Brazil US exporters are reckoning with improved demand for their peanuts. Hot weather is causing problems in India.
May 27, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: 100 million new trees to revitalise industry

MANILA. In planting 100 million coconut trees the Philippine government aims to revitalise the industry. High freight rates present quite a challenge.
May 27, 2024

Macadamias: twisted sales

CANBERRA/REUS. China and Hong Kong purchased a record volume exceeding 90,000 mt of in-shell macadamias in 2023. Strange sales patterns have emerged in South Africa, Australia and Kenya. Drought is an issue in Mexico and Guatemala. Global production estimates are upbeat for 2024.
May 24, 2024

Almonds: prices are a disaster

MADRID. Exports have picked up for almonds in Spain. Crop estimates for 2024/2025 have emerged. Prices are a troublesome matter.
May 23, 2024

Almonds: quality at stake due to extreme drought

MADRID/SACRAMENTO. Urgent calls for permission to treat organic crops with pesticides in areas affected by extreme drought in Spain contradict assertions that quality is more important than quantity for almonds. Pricing is also an issue in California, but for quite different reasons.
May 22, 2024

Peanuts: tense markets

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. India has started exporting the summer crop and international buyers can secure attractive offers here. In North and South America, the situation is partially very tense, which is mainly due to the shortage of goods.
May 21, 2024

Pecans: only small rise in production in 2024/2025

REUS. South Africa is boasting a 35% uprise in pecan kernel output for 2024/2025. Judging by the historical average US production will flatline. Brazil will experience a production decline.
May 16, 2024

Almonds: uneasy speculations

SACRAMENTO/ISFAHAN. US almond shipments exceeded 2 billion pounds in April. The USDA subjective crop forecast is fuelling uneasy speculations. Almonds have come under fire in Iran.
May 15, 2024

Desiccated coconuts: heatwave exacerbates raw material shortage

MANILA. The extremely high temperatures in the Asian countries of origin are likely to exacerbate the commodity shortage for the 2025 crop. A similar scenario was already observed last year.
May 15, 2024

Hazelnuts: market defies expectations

REUS/ORDU. Expectations over global production rising by 20% for hazelnuts in 2024/2025 have fuelled hopes that prices will fall. Yet, Turkey is confronted with other challenges at present, trouble is that the TMO may jump into action.
May 15, 2024

Almonds: record exports in Australia

CANBERRA. Australia achieved record exports in the 2023/2024 season despite declining crop results. Meanwhile, the 2024 has been completed.
May 14, 2024

Walnuts: a mixed bag

REUS/FOLSOM. Current production estimates presented at the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council Congress in Vancouver display shifting dynamics for walnuts in 2024/2025. US shipments are very strong this season as the April report issued by the California Walnut Board shows.
May 14, 2024

Cashews: Vietnam's exports keep growing

HANOI. Vietnam is the largest cashew exporter in the world, and the data for the first quarter of 2024 shows that there is still room for growth. Nevertheless, this market also has challenges to overcome.