
Cumin: Iran’s answer to climate change

March 8, 2022 at 10:42 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ZAHEDAN. Limited water resources have given rise to attempts to change cultivation patterns in Iran’s Sistan va Baluchestan province. Farmers need to switch to agricultural products that require little water and have high added value such as cumin. They have in fact stepped up sowing in Taftan county, where climatic conditions are ideal for growing green cumin in theory at least.

Drought hits production

Not so this season, however, as the area under cultivation has, in fact, risen by 25% to 200 ha but production is set to decline by 7% to 140 mt. Problem is the drought witnessed in summer, which caused much damage. Cumin is harvested in June and around 500 people work directly in cultivating the plant in Taftan.

Prices gain ground

The prices for black cumin have risen steadily since February. Issue is that hopes over a possible revival of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly known as the nuclear deal with Iran, have driven up the value of the Iranian rial as talks in Vienna entered their final stages and officials signalled that an agreement was possible. With Russia demanding written guarantees that its dealing with Iran will not be impacted by Western sanctions over the war in Ukraine the mood is now, however, less optimistic. Prices have risen by around 4% in the past four weeks.

Cumin, dried black







Grade A



Grade B



FOB Iran

*Please note that these reference prices apply to an order volume of 1 mt. Prices may range lower for higher volumes.


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