
Almonds: rise in acreage in Spain

May 6, 2020 at 12:27 PM , Der AUDITOR
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MADRID/SACRAMENTO. As media in Spain report mild temperatures in February and March prompted an early start to flowering and the fruits are developming very well. AEOFRUSE, the Organisation of the Dried Fruit and Carob Bean Producers, estimates

... acreage has risen by 4.48% to 687,225 hectares.

Many trees will only carry almonds for the first or second time, which will give production a boost in Spain. Official production estimates still have to be issued. The weather and rain will remain decisive factors until the harvest is underway. I contrats to California, the orchards in Spain are not irrigated and hail damages cannot be ruled out. Due to the pandemic, no prices have been quoted on the Spanish commodity exchanges for weeks. At the same time, traders report a lack of export demand. Valencia almonds are trading EUR 0.05 per kg lower this week.

US farmers secure trees

The almonds in California have profitted from the right amounts of rain and warm and sunny weather over the last few weeks. Blue Diamond Almonds reports that yields should be high, and many growers are supporting the almond trees with ropes to prevent them from collapsing under the weight of the nuts. Strong gusts of wind have already caused branches to break off. Whole US almonds are trading in a stable range in Europe. Preparations such as diced almonds and almond meal are, howeverm trading around EUR 0.05 per kg lower.

Almond prices



Valencia, 12/14 mm, natural, Spain


Largueta, 13/14 mm, natural, Spain


Marcona, 12/14 mm, natural, Spain


California, SSR, 23/25, blanched, USA


Carmel, SSR, 20/22, natural, USA


Almonds, diced, USA


Almond meal, blanched, USA


EXW Spain

View more information
price chart, almonds. natural. 18/20, Valencia
price chart, almonds, natural 27/30, Largueta
price chart, almonds, blanched, 27/30, California SSRmore price charts

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price chart almonds blanched California 27-30 SSR
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price chart almonds natural Valencia 18-20 Spain

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