
Almonds: Spain slashes production estimates by 50%

May 4, 2022 at 9:56 AM , Der AUDITOR
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MADRID. Cold and wet weather in spring has caused severe damage in Spain's almond orchards. Spain has now sharply revised the production estimates for 2022/2023 downwards. This has also impacted prices.

Production to be much smaller

The total area planted spans 626,161 hectares, of which 510,5484 ha are productive. The remaining 100,000 ha will start bearing fruit in the next few years. Organic almond production accounts for an area of 123,953 ha, of which 104,200 ha are fruit bearing. Judging by these figures, which were provided by the General Registry of Agricultural Production (REGEPA), kernel production could have reached 144,000 mt.

Rain, frost and setbacks to pollination in March and April have, however, diminished this potential and the Spanish producers' organisation AEOFRUSE together with Descalmendra, the national association of almond shellers, now rather estimate almond kernel production at 75,051 mt. Conventional production should, thereby, range at 63,946 mt and organic production at 11.105 mt. This has prompted a sharp rise in prices. While the prices for Valencia almonds have surged, there are hardly any offers available for Largueta almonds.





Valencia, 12/14 mm, natural, Spain



Valencia, +14 mm, natural, Spain



Organic, Valencia, 12/14 mm, natural, Spain



Organic, Valencia, +14 mm, natural, Spain



California, SSR, 23/25, blanched, USA



FCA Spain


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price chart, almonds, natural, +14, Valencia
price chart, almonds, natural 13/14, Largueta
price chart, almonds, blanched, 27/30, California SSR
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