Cashews: India introduces new hybrid variant

October 6, 2021 at 2:31 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI/DAR ES SALAAM. The Directorate of Cashew Research in India has presented a new cashew hybrid variety that is expected to bring great benefits to farmers and producers. Tanzania, meanwhile, starts the new trade season this week.

Growers hope for good prices

In Tanzania, traders are in the starting blocks as the 2021/22 trade season starts on Friday (8.10.). Farmers' hopes are high - they expect better prices, more timely payment as well as higher transparency compared to last season. At TSh 2,700-2,800/kg, prices in the 2020/21 season were so low that farmers could barely cover the cost of cultivation. They are now hoping for starting prices of around TSh 3,000/kg.

As reported by the African Cashew Alliance, the Cashewnut Board of Tanzania has postponed the auctions that were supposed to start last Friday at the Masasi and Mtwara Cooperative Union to this week. Tanzania is expected to produce 280,000 mt for the new season, up 2,000 mt from last season's 278,000 mt.

New variety in India

There is interesting news from India in the field of research, as the African Cashew Alliance also reports, referring to an article of the "Firstpost". The Directorate of Cashew Research, which is subordinate to the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, has released the new hybrid variety "Nethra Jumbo-1" after extensive research. The new variety convinces primarily by its size - while other varieties require about 160 nuts to reach one kilogram, only about 90 cashew nuts are needed here. This reduces the workload considerably and farmers can achieve significantly higher profits with the same cultivation and harvesting effort. Since the new cashew variety requires hardly any artificial irrigation, it is also profitable in this area. Another advantage is that the trees of this variety already bear fruit in January, i.e. before the other varieties. An earlier market entry could have a positive effect on prices.

Slight price increases in Vietnam

In Vietnam, meanwhile, hopes are high that exports will continue to do well for the rest of the year and thus generate high profits. Demand from China and the USA in particular remains high for the time being, and the EU also continues to be an important customer. Prices on the European spot market have increased slightly compared to last week and are currently at EUR 7.55/kg FCA Spain for cashew kernels, WW240, origin Vietnam.

Cashew kernels, Vietnam







FCA Spain

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