
Cashews: "Three on the Spot" temporarily stopped

August 16, 2021 at 2:52 PM , Der AUDITOR
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HANOI. After a month spent entirely in the processing factories by many workers in the cashew industry, the "Three on the Spot" measure is put on hold for the time being. In addition, there is currently a lot of disagreement over freight costs.

Production reduced again

In the large Vietnamese processing factories, the "Three on the Spot" scheme was introduced in July on the advice of the local governments. In order to prevent a further spread of the pandemic and still stimulate the economy, employees work, eat and sleep in their respective factories for a certain period of time. Tents are set up in the halls to ensure at least a small degree of privacy. However, many workers are against this measure, especially if they have families and children to take care of and therefore cannot stay in their

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