
Cashews: Tanzania's production up by 14%

February 22, 2023 at 11:38 AM , Der AUDITOR
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DODOMA. According to the African Cashew Alliance (ACA), Tanzania's cashew crop this season is significantly higher than last year. About 90% of the production is shipped overseas – and there are two main buyers.

17 growing regions in Tanzania

Tanzania's cashew production has increased by 14% in the last two years, Cashewnut Board of Tanzania (CBT) director Francis Mwakabumbe told the Daily News. The main reason for this, he said, is that the government and other market players have put a lot of money and effort into supporting cashew farming. According to the report, the production of raw cashew nuts in the African country was said to have been as low as 210,787 mt in the 2020/21 season and had already climbed to 240,159 mt in the 2021/22 season. The number of growing regions in Tanzania has also increased to 17, the most productive of which is currently Mtwara with 54% of the total crop.

90% are raw material exports

Mwakabumbe also stated that about 90% of the cashew nuts harvested in Tanzania are exported as RCN, mainly to India and Vietnam. Of the 208,375 mt of RCN exported during January-September 2022, 112,093 mt went to Vietnam and 96,282 mt to India. Cambodia and Côte d'Ivoire are considered Tanzania's main competitors on the world market. During the period, Côte d'Ivoire shipped 721,831 mt to the main destinations, while Cambodian exports were also impressive; the country shipped 358,118 mt to Vietnam, Mwakabumbe told the Daily News.

Support for Ivorian growers

As Olam reports, Nigeria's crop is expected to be significantly better this year than in 2022, when a decline of more than 30% was recorded. The Ivorian government has raised the minimum price for farmers from CFA 305/kg last year to CFA 315/kg, which certainly provides some support. However, the extent to which farmers are actually relieved in view of the massive increase in production costs remains questionable. So far, weather conditions have been favourable in all growing regions, both in Africa and Asia. However, it remains crucial whether there will be enough sunshine during the drying phase - last year, rainfall severely affected the quality of the nuts here.

Cashew kernels




WW320, Vietnam, FCA Spain



WW240, Vietnam. FCA Spain



W320, FOB India



W240, FOB India



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