More Commodities - Cocoa

Cocoa: The growing crop

May 22, 2017 at 12:11 PM , Mark Overseas
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Time for the government to support the Cocoa farmers.

 In India, cocoa is grown primarily as an intercrop in Andhra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala, as the tree requires about 40-50 per cent shade. More than two-thirds of cocoa are grown in coconut groves.

Cocoa, being commercially grown in India since the year 1970s, the area cultivated in the year 2015-16 - 81'274 hectares (1 ha equals 2.47 acres)  wasn't that impressive. The total harvest in 2015-16 was 17'200 mt and the total consumption was around 30'000 mt, with the information 57% of cocoa was imported in India. 

On the other hand, India's per capita consumption of chocolate from 2010 -2015 have grown by 7.8% and 13% only in the year of 2015-16, which was impressive.

But somehow the supply fails to meet the demand after knowing the need and the returns of the crop as well. According to some farmers there's is no help from the research institutes or government to help the farmers and support the farming of cocoa seeds. after knowing it's demand in the market.

Attached Files

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Consumption of chocolate in the world.
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India's consumption and import data
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India's producing regions for cocoa beans.

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