
Hazelnuts: harvest can finally be completed

October 11, 2021 at 11:04 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ORDU. A more stable weather situation should ensure that the drying process of the hazelnut kernels can finally be completed. Due to the higher bid prices of the TMO, farmers continue to preferably sell their goods to the state organisation for the time being.

Good things come to those who wait

The long period of unfavourable weather conditions delayed the drying process of the hazelnuts in the growing regions massively; in the meantime, shelling companies and the TMO even had to reject deliveries because of aflatoxin and other problems. Now it is finally warm enough for the kernels to dry. Nevertheless, quality defects such as mould could still turn up from time to time. With the TMO paying farmers commodity prices of TRY 26.50/kg this year, growers are still increasingly choosing to sell their crop to the

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