
Hazelnuts: still playing games

February 8, 2024 at 12:32 PM , Der AUDITOR
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ORDU. After quotations hit unprecedented highs on the back of speculations over Ferrero and farmers holding back suppliers anticipate a downturn for hazelnuts. Yet, the annual horror scenario game over the risk of potential frost damages is already well underway.

Rumours persist

Local media highlight the fact that the winter is too warm in Turkey’s Black Sea Region and that snow is urgently required, not only to protect the shrubs from frost but also from drought. Although climate change certainly is an issue that will continue to impact production and the lack of snowfall is of concern, caution prevails as such reports highlighting a negative outlook always circulate at this time of year. The risk of sudden frosts persists until mid-April. Farmers are still following the advice of agricultural organisations to hold ba

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