
Hazelnuts: unexpectedly large overstock supplies

July 27, 2020 at 11:50 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ORDU. The price announcement for TMO purchases is finally due this week, while at the same time market players expect unexpectedly high overstock supplies in the warehouses.

Erdogan will speak out soon

Despite the record exports, market players expect a unexpectedly large quantity of overstock supplies, for which more favourable prices should be demanded than for the new crop. At present, however, divergent crop estimates and speculation continue to give a very mixed picture as far as prices for the new crop are concerned. President Erdogan's announcement of TMO purchase prices is expected in the middle of this week.

Export prices decline

Demand is stable on the buyer side, but consists primarily of enquiries for short-term cover purchases. At the same time, farmgate prices have declined slightly, and export prices have also fallen, also due to the weakness of the lira, which has now reached a new record low.

Hazelnuts, Turkey



Natural, 11-13 mm


Diced, 2-4 mm


Meal, 0-2 mm


Hazelnut paste


DDP Germany

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Price chart Hazelnut kernels, Natural, 11-13 mm, Turkey

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