
Pecans: Europe is most important export destination

November 2, 2022 at 4:44 PM , Der AUDITOR
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ATLANTA. Europe has become the most important export destination for US pecans over the past five years, according to the latest APC export data. Asia is also an important customer, but exports here were temporarily down due to the trade war between the US and China.

Demand exceeds production

The American Pecan Council (APC) recently released its end-of-season report, which showed that US producers delivered about 139,253 mt of pecans to various market players such as processors, traders and exporters during the 2021/22 season. This represents a slight decrease from the previous year's shipments, which were about 150,592 mt. In the last two seasons, the damage from Hurricane Micheal was still so noticeable that production was lower. US exports are also down, though demand still exceeds production capacity, according to Pecan Report. Growers are working to counteract this by planting new trees and rehabilitating older plantations. The new harvest has started successfully and so far shows quite promising in the southeastern US, while there will be losses in Texas due to the severe drought.

Europe on top of export destination list

The latest APC export data shows that Europe is the most important export destination for US pecans: 88,450 mt were shipped here in the past five years. Asia is in second place with around 79,832 mt, although the trade war between the USA and China, which has now ended, should not be ignored here. China now accounts for the largest share of exports to Asia again, as Pecan Report states. The third most important US export destination is North America (excluding the US). Imports of US pecans in the last five years amounted to 17,236 mt here.

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