
Pecans: sharp decline in US shipments

October 12, 2022 at 3:36 PM , Der AUDITOR
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ATLANTA. US pecan exports last season reached their lowest level since the APC began collecting data. Domestic shipments are also down, but have still reached a good level.

Domestic consumption remains high

US pecan exports last season reached the lowest level since the American Pecan Council (APC) began collecting data five years ago. A total of 35,743 mt was shipped overseas, down 40.8% from the previous season. Domestic shipments fell by 8.84% or 12,565 mt, but still reached the second-best level since records began. As Pecan Report reports, exports have been largely responsible for farmgate prices in previous years, but low stocks and strong domestic consumption kept them stable last season. August, which is the last month of the US pecan season, was the strongest selling August for growers in recent years. Currently, according to Pecan Report, farmgate prices continue to trend upwards as stocks are rapidly declining. Chinese buyers are active early this season in order to be stocked up in time for the Chinese New Year.

USA is still preferred

Not only are exports down sharply, US traders also imported 8.5% fewer raw pecans from Mexico in the 2021 crop year, according to Homeland Security Customs Border Protection. Last year, declines had already been recorded here. Trade tariffs on pecans grown in the USA are a problem when importing them into China; the Asian country is now increasingly sourcing goods from Mexico and South Africa at significantly lower costs. Nevertheless, the USA remains by far the largest producing country for larger pecan varieties, which are preferred by Chinese buyers. Unhulled pecans are in particular demand here, reports Pecan Report.

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