Pistachios: record-breaking EU demand
January 20, 2025 at 10:59 AM ,

Imports exceed EUR 1 billion
Demand for pistachios is booming in the EU. As official statistics show imports reached a record 151,821 mt in the 2024 calendar year. This exceeds the previous 2022 record of 114,652 mt by 32%. In terms of value imports have exceeded the EUR 1 billion threshold for the first time in history in 2024. At EUR 1.119 billion (USD 1.154 billion) the value ranged 36% higher than the EUR 823 million (USD 849 million) generated in 2023 and 21% higher than the previous record of EUR 925 million (USD 954 million) registered in 2022.
The USA are the most important supplier for the EU by far. US shipments, in fact, surged by 56% in 2024 as compared with 2023. Iran also saw an impressive growth of 21%. Shipments from Turkey more than doubled in 2024. Germany was the leading EU importing member state last year as the country accounted for 37% of the bloc’s total imports. Italy was next in line with 20%, followed by Spain with 12%.
EU pistachio imports (mt) |
Country |
2023 |
2024 |
Diff. |
87,489 |
136,838 |
56.4% |
Iran |
6,375 |
7,692 |
20.7% |
Turkey |
2,127 |
4,469 |
110.1% |
102 |
654 |
541.2% |
Jordan |
13 |
641 |
4,830.8% |
Afghanistan |
46 |
490 |
1,065 |
Syria |
236 |
475 |
101.3% |
Others |
555 |
562 |
1.3% |
Total |
96,943 |
151,821 |
56.7% |
DG AGRI TAXUD Customs Surveillance, 01/01-31/12 |
Marketing essential for US pistachios
US suppliers were taken by surprise with the high demand witnessed in 2023/2024 prompting 2024/2025 to start off with low inventories. As production also witnessed an off year and the prices for other nuts such as walnuts or almonds retained high levels, quotations for pistachios have risen this season. The supply situation will change in 2025/2026 as Rabobank and USDA projections show that production may exceed 1.5 billion pounds (680,389 mt) in 2025/2026. With production expanding this decade the industry is keenly marketing pistachios to drive up consumption in different key markets.
Iran as good alternative
Although Iran lost its pole position to the US as the world’s leading pistachio supplier in the past decade, the country still holds valuable market shares in the EU. With production recovering to around 190,000 mt in the current season suppliers are able offer attractive prices and EU traders emphasise that Iranian pistachios have been a really good alternative in recent months.
Stubborn suppliers in Turkey
Turkey’s production reached a record 385,000 mt this season, which certainly helped to drive up exports. Yet, prices are stubbornly high as suppliers seized on the Dubai chocolate hype. At present the 30% hike in the minimum wage along with increases in energy and other costs are supporting the market. Domestic and international demand is also good. Turkey will witness an off year in terms of production in 2025/2026 with tree openings indicating that output will range much lower.
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