Walnuts: Ukraine expects production increases

October 5, 2021 at 3:56 PM , Der AUDITOR
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KIEV. In the 2021/22 season, both a larger acreage and better yields are expected in Ukraine. Commercial production is also moving further into focus there.

Younger trees, better yields

After dropping to 18,700 ha, Ukraine's walnut acreage was reported by the State Statistical Service of Ukraine (SSSU) to have increased again to 19,100 ha in the 2021/22 season. This is due to the continuous planting of new walnut trees, while old trees, some of which were planted in Soviet times and had since produced lower yields, were replaced. Also contributing to greater production are improved technologies in irrigation and pest control. The USDA and FAS Kyiv estimate Ukrainian production for in-shell walnuts in the 2021/22 marketing year at about 133,000 mt, which would represent a 17% increase from the previous season, when 113,000 mt were produced.

Bad times for family businesses

Most of Ukraine's walnuts are grown by small family farms or even individuals who harvest and shell the nuts by hand. Afterwards, the goods are usually sold to middlemen, according to the USDA. In the medium to long term, however, commercial production will also become established there, so that the family farms will increasingly have to stop their work. Commercial cultivation has increasingly taken place since 2009. While the plantations in central and southern Ukraine are often dependent on artificial irrigation, better yields can be achieved here than in the north of the country, where the climate is cooler. The seedlings are planted in autumn (southern Ukraine) or spring (northern Ukraine), and are usually harvested from the end of September to the end of October.

Chilean walnuts, LH 90% are currently traded at EUR 9.55/kg FCA. US walnuts, Chandler LHP 80 are traded at EUR 7.90/kg FAS Oakland.


Origin, type


Chile, ELH 90%, HC, FCA DP


Chile, LH 90%, HC, FCA DP


Chile, EL/L Quarters, HC, FCA DP


Chile, LH 80%, MC, FCA DP


USA, Chandler LHP 80, FAS Oakland


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