Dates: production ranges lower

December 21, 2021 at 10:31 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ZAHEDAN. Drought and extreme heat have certainly impacted this year’s date production in Iran’s Sistan va Baluchestan Province. Growers mainly cultivate Mazafati and Rabbi dates here, which are particularly popular with buyers in Europe. Traders emphasise that the Rabbi dates grown in Saravan are superior in quality.

Climate change spells disaster

Date cultivation provides employment for more than 40,000 people in Sistan va Baluchestan. According ot the local agricultural organisation, dates account for as much as 41% of the province’s agricultural crops. The groves span an area of 62,914 ha, of which 49,718 ha are fertile. Harvesting starts at the end of June and lasts until October as some varieties ripen early and others late. Annual date production normally ranges at 275,000 mt, this year only 240,000 mt have, however, been harvested.

Problem is that the provin

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