Dried figs: Mediterranean fruit flies pose great risk

April 30, 2024 at 11:51 AM , Der AUDITOR
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AYDIN. While the current cooler weather is welcome news for figs, a dangerous fly may cause extensive damage.

Yields in danger

In Aydin, the market has breathed a sigh of relief. Cooler and cloudy weather with temperatures ranging at 16-32C (61-90F) should slow fruit growth after the warm weather witnessed in recent weeks gave rise to concerns. Yet, reports over wild male figs falling from the trees have put the market on alert. These male figs cannot be used to pollinate the female figs. Growers place these figs in spindles in a shaded part of the tree. Flies then carry the pollen from the spindles to the female figs when they reach the size of a walnut. Growers then burn

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