
Peanuts: significantly higher EU imports

May 8, 2023 at 2:41 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI. EU peanut imports have increased by almost 13% year-on-year. Indian exporters, meanwhile, are struggling with their shipments to China, where various problems have arisen in recent weeks.

Quality issues lead to complaints

After last week's slight downward trend, Indian peanut prices are now holding steady for the time being. The situation regarding exports to China is a little opaque. China had purchased large quantities of peanut oil, but let parts of it go back due to quality problems. Indian exporters are now trying to convince buyers by offering high discounts and are incurring further losses, as the goods are largely stored in the ports and they thus have to pay demurrage charges. Medium-sized companies such as smaller oil mills suffer particula


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