Market updates on oilseeds with up-to-date price trends
Jul 25, 2024

Sesame seeds: Gujarat expects small winter crop

NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. Brazilian sesame farmers have made good profits in recent years, prompting them to expand sesame seed cultivation. However, the winter crop in Gujarat is expected to be smaller due to lower demand.
Jul 25, 2024

Sunflower seeds: crop forecasts continue to deteriorate

SOFIA/KYIV. Heat and drought are causing crop forecasts in countries such as Russia and Ukraine to decline, the same applies to Romania and Bulgaria. Demand has risen massively in the Bulgarian sunflower seed market.
Jul 24, 2024

Flaxseed: Canadian traders hope to gain market share

ASTANA/OTTAWA. The introduction of import duties on agricultural products from Russia and Belarus continues to cause uncertainty in the flaxseed market. Meanwhile, Germany has almost doubled its flaxseed imports from Russia.
Jul 22, 2024

Peanuts: Texas struggles with drought

NEW DELHI/AUSTIN. Although US growing regions in the Southwest have faced some heavy rains, growers in parts of Texas continue to face drought and water shortages. In India, prices could soon receive support.
Jul 18, 2024

Blue poppy seeds: new crop will soon be available

CHRUDIM. Czech poppy farmers have sown a good 10,000 ha more this year than in the last two years. This raises hopes of a good crop, even though there are still concerns that the hot and dry temperatures could have a negative impact.
Jul 18, 2024

Sesame seeds: high competitive pressure

NEW DELHI. Indian sesame seed traders are struggling with high competitive pressure. Meanwhile, the sesame seed tender expected at the beginning of July has been delayed by a few weeks.
Jul 18, 2024

Mustard seeds: Canadian crop estimated at 180,000 mt

OTTAWA/BRUSSELS. Good crop prospects in Canada are putting pressure on mustard seed prices. Buyers are still holding back on enquiries.
Jul 17, 2024

Sunflower seeds: drought lowers crop forecasts

SOFIA/KYIV. Heat and drought are causing problems for sunflower seed fields in parts of Europe. Downward corrections to the previously good crop forecasts are to be expected.
Jul 15, 2024

Peanuts: Indian prices under pressure

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. In India, peanut prices continue to fall with the prospect of a good crop. Demand in Argentina is good, while Brazil is struggling badly. In the USA, the weather will prove decisive.
Jul 12, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: Canada to profit from EU import tariffs

BRUSSELS. Prospects are far from sunny for wheat in France. Tropical storm Beryl only has a limited impact for US corn. China has signed the first deal for US soybeans. Canada may very well replace Russia and Belarus as a supplier of rapeseed in the EU.
Jul 11, 2024

Flaxseed: 10% duty on EU imports

MOSCOW/OTTAWA. Since 1 July, EU imports of flaxseed from Russia and Belarus have been subject to a 10% import duty. This is dampening the mood in the market.
Jul 11, 2024

Sesame seeds: high freight rates cost exporters dearly

NEW DELHI/MOGADISHU. Heigh freight rates are making it impossible for exporters in India to raise the prices for sesame seeds. Pakistan is bracing for rain. Sowing is underway in Somalia, where the crop is harvested in autumn.
Jul 10, 2024

Sunflower seeds: crops are highly dependent on the weather

SOFIA/KYIV. The weather in the coming weeks will play a decisive role in the development of sunflower seed crops. Price corrections will also depend on this.
Jul 9, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: speculators under pressure

DALIAN. Speculators, who hold a large part of the remaining supplies, are trying to drive prices up further. As the new crop is imminent and is expected to be very good, they are under severe time pressure.
Jul 8, 2024

Peanuts: quality is the issue

NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. Argentina's peanut crop is of good quality this year – the situation is different in Brazil, and the moisture content is still too high in India. China is buying significantly less than last year.
Jul 4, 2024

Flaxseed: improved prospects after intial delays

ASTANA. Spring rains may have delayed sowing in Kazakhstan, but tables have now turned for flaxseed. The EU relies more heavily on Russia as the import statistics for 2023/2024 show.
Jul 4, 2024

Sesame seeds: new crop is pouring in

NEW DELHI/BRUSSELS. Harvesting is nearly complete for sesame seeds in Gujarat. Although large volumes are arriving, prices are expected to rise. Shipping is quite a challenge for exporters in Brazil. EU imports surged in 2023/2024.
Jul 3, 2024

Sunflower seeds: EU production better than expected

SOFIA/BRUSSELS. Production prospects are highly encouraging for sunflower seeds in the EU for this year. China is the most important supplier for the EU. While the market is in for a turn in direction in Bulgaria, heat is proving to be a bit of a challenge in China.
Jul 1, 2024

Peanuts: tide is about to turn

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Peanuts are in for significant changes in India. Differing production estimates have emerged for the USA. Exporters are struggling with tight supplies in South America.
Jun 27, 2024

Sesame seeds: prices firm up

NEW DELHI. La Niña is expected to bring heavier rainfall to the Indian growing regions this summer. Growers could therefore delay sowing.
Jun 26, 2024

Sunflower seeds: not all fields to be harvested

SOFIA/KYIV. Only recently, the European Commission agreed to the proposal to impose higher taxes on imports of agricultural products from Russia and Belarus into the EU. At a recent meeting of the Lublin Triangle in Warsaw, more far-reaching demands were discussed.
Jun 25, 2024

Blue poppy seeds: up to 30,000 mt

CHRUDIM. Favourable weather conditions and large acreages should enable a significantly larger blue poppy seed crop in the Czech Republic than last year. The winter crop will also be available on the market in a few weeks.
Jun 25, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: suppliers despair at horrendous freight rates

DALIAN. The extremely high freight rates are making life difficult for Chinese suppliers, especially when it comes to concluding long-term contracts. Demand for shine skins is unusually high for this time of year.
Jun 24, 2024

Peanuts: market receives support

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Upward trending edible oil markets and increased demand from the Middle East are keeping Indian peanut prices from declining too much. The situation in America is mixed.
Jun 20, 2024

Sesame seeds: new crops increase price pressure

NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD. Good crops in countries such as Pakistan are putting pressure on the Indian market. Thanks to successful tenders, South Korea is the most important buyer of sesame seeds from India.
Jun 19, 2024

Sunflower seeds: promising developments in Bulgaria

SOFIA/KYIV. Market players are focussing on the new crop. However, traders remains cautious in the hope of price reductions.
Jun 19, 2024

Flaxseed: Russia could harvest 1.27 million mt

ASTANA/MOSCOW. Experts are confident that the flaxseed crops in Kazakhstan and Russia will exceed last year's level. China is increasingly turning into Kazakhstan's most important trading partner.
Jun 18, 2024

Mustard seeds: flea bugs damage Canadian crop

OTTAWA/KYIV. Experts are expecting a decline in acreage in Canada. However, favourable weather conditions have benefited yields so far, but there are also reports of damage caused by flea bugs.
Jun 17, 2024

Peanuts: significant crop decline in Brazil

NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. The Brazilian peanut crop is significantly lower this season than in the last two years. This in turn plays into the hands of Argentinian exporters. In India, sowing for the new crop is about to start.
Jun 14, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: USDA refuses to comply with expectations

BRUSSELS. Few surprises were in store for wheat in the recent WASDE report. With regards to corn and soybeans the report, however, failed to comply with expectations. Production will range lower for rapeseed.
Jun 13, 2024

Sesame seeds: crop in Gujarat falls short of expectations

NEW DELHI/MAPUTO. According to current estimates, the sesame seed crop in the Indian state of Gujarat will not be able to fulfil previous expectations. Meanwhile, market players are expecting high exports from Mozambique.
Jun 12, 2024

Sunflower seeds: smaller crop in Russia

SOFIA/KYIV. In Ukraine the area sown with sunflower seeds has fallen short of initial expectations. Declines are anticipated in Russia and Coceral has issued revised EU crop estimates.
Jun 10, 2024

Peanuts: China focusses on self-sufficiency

NEW DELHI/BEIJING. Everything about the situation in China currently indicates that the country wants to meet the demand for peanuts as far as possible from its own cultivation. This is also being felt on the Indian market.
Jun 6, 2024

Flaxseed: higher duties on imports into the EU

BRUSSELS/OTTAWA. The gradual increase in import taxes on Russian flaxseed imports into the EU has been decided. The fact that they will not be fully adjusted immediately is causing disillusionment among Canadian traders.
Jun 6, 2024

Sesame seeds: Brazil to harvest up to 140,000 mt

NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. Despite the successful participation in the current sesame seed tender from South Korea, the pressure on prices in the Indian market is high. The summer crop is gradually arriving on the trading markets.
Jun 6, 2024

Sunflower seeds: corrected crop estimates for 2024/2025

SOFIA/DALIAN. The International Grains Council has adjusted its crop forecast for global sunflower seed production and the European Commission has also made some corrections in its latest report.
Jun 4, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: sowing is complete

DALIAN. Pumpkin seed sowing has been completed in the Chinese growing regions and seed companies are reporting significant growth. High freight rates pose challenges for exporters.
Jun 3, 2024

Peanuts: good prospects for the Indian winter crop

NEW DELHI. In India, sowing for the winter crop is imminent and so far the forecasts are encouraging. There have been slight harvest delays in Argentina and the weather is playing a decisive role in all growing countries.
May 30, 2024

Sesame seeds: possible bumper crop in Pakistan

NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD. High demand has prompted farmers to sow considerably more sesame seeds in Pakistan and a bumper crop is very well possible. In India, the hike in freight rates is giving rise to concerns.
May 28, 2024

Blue poppy seeds: ideal conditions

CHRUDIM. Farmers are really happy with the weather conditions in the Czech Republic. The plants are doing very well and the quality and size of crop is expected to be good for blue poppy seeds.
May 27, 2024

Peanuts: US exporters to fill the gap

NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. As crop declines are anticipated in Brazil US exporters are reckoning with improved demand for their peanuts. Hot weather is causing problems in India.
May 23, 2024

Sesame seeds: Indian exporters are hopeful

NEW DELHI. After India was able to secure a large part of the positions in the last South Korean sesame seed tender, exporters have high hopes again this time. However, this would not support prices in the longer term.
May 22, 2024

Sunflower seeds: EU increases imports from China by more than 20%

SOFIA/KYIV. The dwindling commodity supplies are causing sunflower seed prices in Bulgaria to rise. In Ukraine, sowing is around 90% complete.
May 22, 2024

Mustard seeds: opportunity for Canada

OTTAWA/MOSCOW. Canada's mustard seed crop is benefiting from favourable weather conditions. Exporters are also hoping for increased demand from the European Union.
May 22, 2024

Peanuts: tense markets

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. India has started exporting the summer crop and international buyers can secure attractive offers here. In North and South America, the situation is partially very tense, which is mainly due to the shortage of goods.
May 21, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: freight rates increase again

DALIAN. Prices on the Chinese pumpkin seed market continue to fall due to a lack of demand. Meanwhile, freight rates are soaring again.
May 17, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: Biden disappoints with refusal to issue tariffs

BRUSSELS. Frost will force Russian farmers to resow an extensive area with wheat. Brazil’s CONAB has issued a rather surprising production estimate for corn. US soy traders are taken aback by Biden’s refusal to impose tariffs on used cooking oil imports from China. The EU will need to import more rapeseed from Canada and Australia.
May 16, 2024

Flaxseed: larger acreage in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. Kazakh farmers are busy sowing this year's flaxseed crop. The plan is to expand the area compared to 2023. Kazakhstan's exports have declined significantly due to the disappointing 2023 crop.