
Pecans: farmers prepare for harvest

August 17, 2022 at 11:04 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ATLANTA. In the North American growing regions, growers are in the middle of preparing for the harvest of the early varieties. However, there are some difficulties when it comes to marketing.

Nuts are thinned out

Pecan growers in North America are currently making preparations for the upcoming harvest, which will begin in about a month and a half. Growers in the southeastern US have completed nut thinning; as it is an "on-year", the trees tend to produce too many nuts. The thinning is taking place to improve quality and ensure better production in the next "off-year", according to Pecan Report experts. Shell hardening is also almost finished, so harvesting of early varieties such as Pawnee will start soon. In Mexico, too, harvesting is expected to start soon.

Lack of marketing activity

According to Pecan Report, buyers are active, although prices for the new crop have not yet been fixed. As soon as the quality and quantity of the crop become apparent, there should be clarity. However, supply is lower than last year, and both the domestic and export markets have sold less this season. One problem might be that the American Pecan Council (APC) has almost completely stopped its marketing activities and cut two-thirds of its budget; the money is now received by the newly founded American Pecan Promotion Board. The organisations will work together in the future, but the transition has created a gap in marketing that has probably led to the decline in deliveries.

Prices for goods from the old crop are showing a slight decline on the European spot market. Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves from the USA currently cost EUR 13.50/kg FCA Spain.

Pecans, USA




Fancy Junior Mammoth Halves



Fancy Junior Large Pieces



FCA Spain

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