
Pistachios: frost wipes out crop

April 19, 2022 at 11:25 AM , Der AUDITOR
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KERMAN. Frost has caused severe damage in Kerman Province, where Iran mainly produces pistachios. Although farmers witnessed warmer weather in the second half of March, temperatures suddenly dropped close to freezing in the last five days of the month. Any efforts the farmers undertook to protect their crop such as burning tires in the gardens proved useless.

Total destruction

Traders report that not enough action was taken, especially since local meteorologists had issued a yellow warning. Initial reports indicate that 75% of the gardens witnessed a 30-90% damage throughout the province including Rafsanjan, Anar and Zarand as well as Shahr-e Babak, Sirjan and Kerman counties, where pistachios are mainly grown. Some farmers in Anar County even state that their crops have been totally destroyed, which will certainly impact export supplies for Kalle Ghuchi, Ahmad Aghaei and Fandoghi pistachios. Producers are also reporting an equally bad situation in Zarand County, where pistachios are crucial for the economy and many people are now facing significant financial losses. Frost, in addition, damaged as much as 36,000 ha in Sirjan County by 20-100% as temperatures dropped to -5C in some places.

Fixed prices

Kerman’s economy now faces serious challenges. Not only does the province largely depend in pistachios but the nuts are also a valuable export product that enable suppliers to import foreign currencies. Traders reckon that Iran will lose valuable market shares this year. Although frost-related damages certainly drove up prices at the start of April, the market has remained relatively firm over the last two weeks as supply and demand are well balanced.

Pistachios, Iran

Inshell, NO



Ahmad Aghaei, 24-26



Ahmad Aghaei, 26-28



Akbari, 20-22



Akbari 22-24



Kale Ghuchi, 22-24



Kale Ghuchi 24-26



Fandoghi, 30-32



Fandoghi 32-34



FOB Iran

*Please note that these reference prices apply to an order volume of 1 mt. Prices may range lower for higher volumes.


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