
Pulses: export decline to be cushioned

April 26, 2023 at 9:44 AM , Der AUDITOR
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ANKARA. The severe earthquakes that shook Turkey at the beginning of the year have also had an impact on exports of pulses. Massive countermeasures are now to be taken.

Exports slump in February

Southeast Anatolia, Turkey's leading region for cereals, pulses and oilseeds with an annual export value of 3.5 billion USD, is trying to heal the wounds left by the severe earthquakes that hit the region at the beginning of the year. According to the region's export data for the Q1 of 2023, Southeast Anatolia's share of Turkish exports of the aforementioned products was 31.1% last year, but only 26% in the first quarter of 2023 due to the situation. In February, exports fell by 44% due to the earthquakes, but this figure was compensated for in March, when exports brought in nearly USD 300 million, according to Celal Kadooğlu, president of the Southeastern Anatolia Cereals, Pulses, Oilseeds and Products Exporters' Association. He further reported that the 2022 results will are planned to be achieved again by repairing the damaged agricultural infrastructure and providing the necessary support to producers and growers. In addition, the protection of those working in agriculture is to be increased.

Pulse exports, Turkey

January-March 2022









Dried beans



January-March 2023









Dried beans



Trade statistics

Less popular in summer

Turkish market players indicate that there are currently enough pulses in the warehouses and, since goods are still being imported at the same time, prices are currently very low. "Pulses are not very popular during Ramadan," adds one trader. This has ensured that demand has been relatively low in recent weeks. Experience also shows that consumption of pulses declines sharply during the summer months, so prices receive little support. Average commodity prices are usually as follows: Rice TRY 20-25/kg, dried beans TRY 30-32/kg, chickpeas TRY 28-30/kg, green lentils TRY 25-26/kg, red lentils TRY 20-22/kg. In summer, more fresh vegetables such as aubergines, courgettes, etc. are consumed instead, while pulses are more popular in winter.

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