Sultanas: hailstorms in Manisa

June 7, 2022 at 9:55 AM , Der AUDITOR
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MANISA. Although the weather conditions are highly instable in Turkey at present, there is no need to panic for now at least. The prices for sultanas reflect the general market sitaution.

Rain and hailstorms

The weather conditions are highly unpredictable in Manisa at present as high temperatures coupled with heavy rains and hailstorms persist since last week. Although some growers have reported damage in the vineyards, it does not appear to be extensive. Reports may state that the vines are in good condition but it is too early for reliable estimates on production and quality. Traders reckon that the TMO still holds around 40,000 mt of sultanas, which the state-run organisation intends to carry into the new season.

Exports remain hig

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