Dried figs: producers fight nightmare pest

June 20, 2024 at 10:29 AM , Der AUDITOR
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AYDIN. In a race against time producers are trying to get a grip on the black fig fly. This nightmare pest will cause extensive damage to fresh and dried figs if not brought under control within the next week or two.

Fighting the black fig fly

Farmers in Aydin have interrupted their Eid al-Adha (Festival of the Sacrifice) holiday to continue to fight the black fig fly, which is posing a serious threat to this year’s crop. The fly is such a problem for commercial fig production as the females deposit their eggs in the ripening fruits on which the larvae then feed before leaving the fruit and causing premature fruit drop. Adult flies also feed on the sap of overripe figs.

Trouble this year is that favourable climatic conditions have prompted a sharp increase in popul

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