
Peanuts: golden opportunity

December 19, 2022 at 10:53 AM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI. Farmers and suppliers in India are waiting for the opportunity to turn their peanuts into gold. Negotiations are tense.

Deceptive situation

The peanut market may seem sluggish at present, but the backdrop presents an entirely different picture as tables are set to turn. While farmers are holding back, suppliers are eager to stock up. Issue is that demand is expected to surge after Chinese New Year, which will be celebrated on 22 January 2023, thereby presenting a golden opportunity for huge profits.

This notion is supported by the fact that adverse weather conditions wreaked havoc on China’s crop with output expected to tumble by 30%. A Chinese speaker even anticipated a 40% decline in production at the Indian Oilseed and Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) Conference in Dubai. Forecasts also predict that yields will range 30% lower in Argentina, where sowing takes place in November and harvesting in March. Trouble here are extremely dry weather conditions.

Prices to rise sharply

While prices declined sharply on 6 December, they have since remained fixed. Analysts are, however, confident that prices will start to surge at the end of January.

Peanuts, with skin



Bold, 40-50


Bold, 50-60


Bold, 60-70


Java, 50-60


Java, 60-70


Java, 70-80


FOB India, non-EU quality


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price chart, peanuts, with skin, 40/50, Bold, India
price chart peanuts, with skin, 50/60, Java, India
price charts for nuts, dried fruit, oilseeds and many more products


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