
Peanuts: Indian government may intervene

February 27, 2023 at 2:44 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI. Suspicions are hardening that the government will soon intervene massively in the Indian peanut oil market. This could put a stop to the price hikes that have occurred compared to last week.

Hoped-for price increases have materialised

The hopes of Indian traders have been fulfilled this week: As suspected, high demand from China and Vietnam over the past two weeks has caused prices to climb. The fact that new crop arrivals in Indian markets are much smaller than usual for February is also contributing to the price increases, as domestic demand currently exceeds supply. This is particularly the case in Gujarat. Here, arrivals are normally around 200,000 bags per day, but currently local traders report only 80,000 bags. Exporters are particularly satisfie


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