
Peanuts: Ramadan demand lower than hoped for

March 4, 2024 at 12:02 PM , Der AUDITOR
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NEW DELHI. Buying interest in the Indian peanut market in the run-up to the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan has not picked up to the extent hoped for. The situation is tense as the ratio of supply and demand is imbalanced.

Supply clearly exceeds demand

The holy month of Ramadan begins on Sunday (10 March) and market players in the Indian peanut market had high hopes that the increase in consumption during this period would drive up demand significantly in advance. However, buying interest remains well below the large quantities available and there is a strong imbalance between supply and demand. Prices have risen slightly by USD 10/mt, but market experts believe that this is because peanut prices have reached a low point following the sharp declines of recent weeks. Should there be fu


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