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Sunflower seed kernels 2017/18: Hard facts and figures

June 20, 2017 at 8:27 AM , Der AUDITOR
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The most relevant data is provided in a clearly structured Excel file. Including: Background information, global sunflower seed production, the import and export figures and prices.

Sunflowers were already grown on the American continent in 2,500 B.C. in the Mississippi region and in Mexico City. Incas even worshipped the flower as an image of their God, and it was also a popular motif for van Gogh. In the middle of the 16th century, Spanish sailors brought the plant to Europe. Initially used as an ornamental plant, sunflower seeds were then used for baked goods starting in the 17th century. Roasted seeds were sometimes also used as a substitute for coffee and drinking chocolate. Moreover, sunflower seeds are pressed to produce oil, offered as a snack in

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