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Apr 21, 2020

China: stopover in hotel quarantine

PEKING. After weeks of imposed quarantine, restrictions are gradually being eased in cities in China. Few people, however, want to go further than their own front door or garden. Mundus Agri has talked to trading partners about everyday life.
Apr 15, 2020

Iran: shutdown would push country over the edge

TEHRAN/SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. In an interview with Mundus Agri, Dawood Nazirizadeh shares his experience with and views on the healthcare system in Iran, the impact of Covid-19 on daily life, business and trade as well as Trump and the controversial issue of the US sanctions.
Apr 9, 2020

Almond Board of California: high demand and hardly any export issues

SEEHEIM/SACRAMENTO. Mundus Agri had the chance to talk to Richard Waycott, president and CEO of the Almond Board of California, about the current situation and the impact of the coronavirus on the US almond market.
Apr 8, 2020

Tioga: Spanish almond market loses Easter business

AGUADULCE/SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. In an interview with Mundus Agri, José Luis Balanzá Bosch and Amancio Landín from Tioga answer a few short questions on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the almond market in Spain.
Apr 7, 2020

Pekka Pesonen: we are fighting like hell

BRUSSELS/SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. In an interview with Mundus Agri, Pekka Pesonen, Secretary General of Copa and Cogeca, talks about the big issues for European agriculture in the coronavirus crisis including food security, raw material prices and sustainability, hypocrisy and organics.
Apr 6, 2020

Anderson Exports: export disruptions and appreciation for the food business

SEEHEIM/SACRAMENTO. In light of recent events regarding the Covid-19 pandemic, Mundus Agri talked to Erik Anderson, CEO of Anderson Exports, discussing notable disruptions in the supply chain and the luck to be working in an essential industry – food.
Alerts and Regulations
Apr 2, 2020

Covid-19 spurrs Ukraine's self-proclaimed republics into sudden action

LUHANSK. A "Mundus Agri" correspondent, living in the Luhansk People's Republic, outlines the enormous impact the outbreak of the new coronavirus has on daily life. The first infection has only recently been confirmed. Measures to contain the virus are only starting to be implemented.
Apr 2, 2020

Protective measures against Covid-19 - when is an end in sight?

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. Doctors and virologists hear this question over and over again. They are supposed to try to find an answer by means of estimates and mathematical assumptions, and yet they can only give a vague estimate at best. Decisive for the point in time when the corona protection measures can be loosened is the behaviour of the citizens.
Mar 30, 2020

How Mundus Agri maintains internal operations

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. Michael Gütlich, CEO and IT expert of the Dedere Deutschland GmbH, explains which measures are in place to protect Mundus Agri's workforce.
Alerts and Regulations
Mar 27, 2020

America first - also when it comes to health?

WASHINGTON, D.C. As early as next week, the measures taken against the spread of the corona virus could be eased again in the USA. The president is putting the population at great risk.
Mar 26, 2020

FoodDrinkEurope: EU must act fast to avoid confusion and delays

BRUSSELS. Unprecedented quarantine measures and travel restriction throughout Europe are prompting concerns over supply chains and the workforce in Europe’s largest manufacturing industry. FoodDrinkEurope is working closely with the EU Commission to adopt fast action. In an interview with Mundus Agri, Will Surman, Director of Communications and Public Affairs, outlines how the industry is holding up to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mar 25, 2020

Food supply chains: Dachser calls for flexibility

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM/KEMPTEN. Reports of long traffic jams at the borders within Europe, particularly at the borders in Poland, shook the market last week. Traders, in addition, reported that suppliers were forced to close on a temporary basis. Although the situation has now improved, the freight forwarders remain concerned.
Mar 25, 2020

Toilet paper: producers are operating at full capacity

FRANKFURT. As panic buying is taking its toll on the supermaket shelves toilet paper has become the new white gold in Europe. For new customers it is basically impossible to purchase toilet papar directly from the manufacturers. Their priority are existing customers.
Alerts and Regulations
Mar 24, 2020

Temporary framework to support SMEs during coronavirus pandemic

BRUSSELS. The EU Commission has taken new measures to provide financial support, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Funds, however, need be provided by the member states.
Mar 23, 2020

This is why the local tax offices should pay subsidies

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. Michael Gütlich, the CEO of the Dedere Deutschland GmbH, explains why it is necessary to distribute financial aid by means of unbureaucratic channels. Fast action is required.
Mar 20, 2020

Coronavirus and home office: lack of digitisation is a big problem

FRANKFURT. Social distancing and home office are the order of the day in times of the corona crisis. Trouble, however, is that many companies are not well-enough equipped for their staff to work from home. Many are, therefore, forced to travel to work.
Alerts and Regulations
Mar 18, 2020

Czech Republic: mandatory face masks and exclusive shopping hours for senior citizens

PRAGUE. From today on, safety regulations to contain covid-19 are reportedly being tightened.
Press Releases
Mar 18, 2020

Coronavirus: what happens next at the EU borders?

FRANKFURT. At the beginning of the week, the EU Commission published guidelines on the correct behaviour at the European borders. The problem is that the countries decide on measures individually and there is no EU-wide regulation.
Press Releases
Mar 18, 2020

Südzucker confirms that supply chain is up and running

MANNHEIM. In a recently issued press release the Südzucker Group has confirmed that supplies are guaranteed, despite demand being high. While the corona pandemic has brought public life to a standstill in many countries, Europe's leading sugar gaint has switched to crisis mode.
Mar 17, 2020

Trade: the coronavirus as a force majeure case

SEEHEIM/KARLSRUHE. In an interview with Mundus Agri Professor Darius Schindler outlines the impact of commercial law on the coronavirus crisis. He explains the potential effects the pandemic may have on supply contracts, in how far suppliers may invoke "force majeure" and what exactly managing directors need to pay attention to.
Alerts and Regulations
Mar 16, 2020

Germany shuts down borders

FRANKFURT. Germany has closed the borders with some neighbouring countries to travellers. Delivery traffic is to continue as normal. Some restrictions have, however, been imposed.
Mar 13, 2020

Stringent measures imposed to maintain supply chains

ROME/VIENNA. All shops in Italy are now closed with the exception of supermarkets, drugstores and pharmacies. The agricultural sector and industry are also permitted to operate. Work continues here, but with stringent safety measures in place.
Mar 12, 2020

Oil mills: coronavirus emergency measures hit factories hard

PRAGUE. In illustrating the effects the government's containment policy has on an oil mill in the Czech Republic the challenges the industry as a whole are confronted with become apparent.
Mar 11, 2020

The impact of the coronavirus on the climate

FRANKFURT. The adverse impact of the Covid-19 epidemic is highlighted in the news every day. There is, however, one positive aspect to be considered.
Warning messages
Mar 9, 2020

Coronavirus leads to supply shortages

FRANKFURT. According to reports, there are currently some supply shortages between producers and stockists in Northern Italy and buyers in the Czech Republic.
Press Releases
Feb 19, 2020

Dedere in Kazakhstan: welcome to the future of commodity trading

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM/NUR-SULTAN. Invited by the Ministry of Trade and Integration in Kazakhstan, a delegation of the Dedere Deutschland GmbH visited Nur-Sultan at the end of January to participate in talks on the digitisation of commodity trade.
Alerts and Regulations
Jan 20, 2020

Organic products: EU market records significant increase

BERLIN/WASHINGTON D.C. In 2012, the US/European Union (EU) organic arrangement came into force, which stipulates that organic products certified in the USA or the EU may be offered in the organic sector on both markets. As before, the products must be shipped with an organic import certificate.
Alerts and Regulations
Jan 16, 2020

Agroimpex: sunflower seeds with 99,99 % purity

KHERSON. In bakery and confectionery production, sunflower seeds are becoming increasingly attractive because they have been proven to contain health-promoting ingredients. One of the most important qualities is the degree of purity, which is directly related to product safety. Producers are always looking for ways to further increase the purity levels.
Press Releases
Jan 14, 2020

Südzucker: significant decline in the sugar segment

MANNHEIM. Südzucker presents its current forecasts for the 2019/2020 fiscal year. The sugar segment is weakening noticeably, but the CropEnergies and special products segments are scoring revenue growth.
Press Releases
Dec 19, 2019

Südzucker revises full-year forecast

MANNHEIM. As Südzucker has announced, the consolidated group operating results for the third quarter are much higher than last year. This has prompted the sugar giant to revise the consolidated group operating results for the full year. The outlook for the sugar segment, however, remains far from encouraging.
Press Releases
Dec 18, 2019

Germany: farmers to stage new protests

BERLIN. In a joint press release, the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL)" and the "Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW)" call for an agricultural demonstration to be held on 18 January 2020 in Berlin at the same time as the Green Week.
Alerts and Regulations
Dec 5, 2019

Ukraine: chaos at the border in Poland

KIEV/WARSAW. Although the transit traffic to western Europe is on the rise, Poland heavily limits the number of available freight transport licenses every year. Traders report that the situation has escalated as 2,000 trucks are stuck at the border waiting to be granted access to Poland.
Press Releases
Nov 18, 2019

Organic farming: lack of funds in Germany

BERLIN. The government has recently decided to raise the direct payments for environmental services performed by the farmers from 4.5% to 6.0% as of next year. This decision is in line with the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Although the Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW)…
Press Releases
Oct 24, 2019

Dedere welcomes government delegation from Kazakhstan

SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. On Wednesday, 23 October 2019, CEO Michael Gütlich welcomed Kainar Taizhanov, Deputy General Director of the Accreditation Authority of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting took place in Seeheim-Jugenheim in Germany, where Dedere Deutschland is based.
Press Releases
Oct 18, 2019

US sanctions: Lambertz hit by punitive tariffs

FRANKFURT. As CNBC has recently reported small companies in Europe are bracing for USD 7.5 billion in US tariffs. Agricultural ministers across Europe are highly concerned because many smaller food producers are hit considerably. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for instance outlines how the German biscuit producer Lambertz is affected.
Press Releases
Oct 15, 2019

Organic farming: double-digit rise in revenues

BONN. The press release recently issued by states that conventional farmers witnessed a decline in sales in Germany in 2018. Contrary to this the revenues in the organic sector increased notably. Organic milk is the main driver.
Press Releases
Oct 14, 2019

Cashews: Tanzania offers cashew kernels via online platform

DODOMA. The Ministry of Agriculture of Tanzania is reckoning with a very good production this year and has invested in a new way of marketing RCN. In this way the government aims to maintaing high farmgate prices. Farmes will, in addition, be able to offer RCN to national and international customers.
Dairy Products
Oct 11, 2019

Aldi and Lidl forced to recall discounter milk

ZEVEN/BERLIN. As media in Germany report the Deutsche Milchkontor GmbH and Fude + Serrahn Milchprodukte GmbH & Co. KG have recalled durable semi skimmed milk 1.5%. As the DMK ranks among the largest dairies in Germany and Fude + Serrahn is one of the largest suppliers for milk products the recall concerns several discounters such as Aldi and Lidl…
Press Releases
Oct 10, 2019

Südzucker: low EU prices fail to cover costs

MANNHEIM. As the sugar giant Südzucker has recently announced in its recently issued press release the consolidated group operating result has declined considerably to EUR 74 million between March and August. Last year’s operating result stood much higher at EUR 139 million. The loss is mainly driven by the sugar segment.
Press Releases
Sep 13, 2019

Nordzucker: Below-average yields expected

BRAUNSCHWEIG. With processing beginning in Chełmża the Group has officially launched the new beet campaign this week. Earnings are expected to vary greatly depending on region.
Alerts and Regulations
Aug 5, 2019

China: State enterprises to stop imports of US agricultural products

WASHINGTON, D.C./PEKING. After US President Trump announced further tariffs on Chinese goods last week, Bloomberg now reports that China is retaliate with stringent measures.
Press Releases
Aug 1, 2019

Nordzucker acquires majority stake of 70% in Australian sugar producer

BRUNSWICK. The Nordzucker AG has successfully completed the acquisition of a 70 percent majority stake in Mackay Sugar Limited (MSL), Australia's second largest sugar producer.
Press Releases
Jul 11, 2019

Südzucker: Expectations for 2019-20 fiscal year confirmed

MANNHEIM. In the first quarter of 2019-20, Südzucker AG's consolidated revenues fell to EUR 1,680 million. Revenues in the sugar segment, among others, declined significantly.
Press Releases
Jul 3, 2019

German Farmers' Association expects below average cereal production

BERLIN. The German Farmers' Association (DBV) estimates the national cereal production at around 47 million mt, which 1 million mt below the five-year moving average of 2013-2017. This estimate ranges 9 million mt higher than last year.
Company News
Jun 28, 2019

Nordzucker to enter sugar cane business

BRAUNSCHWEIG. For Europe’s second largest sugar producer the first full financial year after the abolishment of the quota system has turned out to be a disaster. Sales have declined by 18% to EUR 1,650 million and the operating result has plummeted by EUR 58 million to EUR 96 million. Nordzucker is nevertheless confident that sugar has a future.
Company News
Jun 24, 2019

Dedere goes Russian

We are happy to announce that the B2B marketing platform Mundus Agri and the agri news platform Novella Agri are now also available in Russian. Our services for the food industry are also available in English, German and Turkish.
Press Releases
Jun 7, 2019

The agricultural platform Dedere secures financing from Hessen Kapital

FRANKFURT/SEEHEIM-JUGENHEIM. As part of a new financing round, the agricultural trade and information platform Dedere Deutschland GmbH has won another investor in the Hessen Kapital I GmbH (
Company News
Jun 4, 2019

Strike at Nutella plant brings production to a standstill

VILLERS-ÉCALLES. The Nutella plant in French Normandy has now been on strike for almost a week.