Market updates on dairy products with up-to-date price trends
Dairy Products
Feb 21, 2020

Butter: highly competitive prices in the EU

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Germany shipped as much as 4,528 metric tonnes of butter to Saudi Arabia last year. Negotiations within the German market are, however, difficult. The European Commission has reported a drastic rise in exports.
Dairy Products
Feb 5, 2020

Butter: EU prices take a dip

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. While buyers have put off purchasing in Germany, the question remains as to how large market supplies really are. Meanwhile, the average EU and UK butter prices have declined notably. UK butter production is up.
Dairy Products
Jan 24, 2020

Butter: buyers caught out cold

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Some buyers have been taken by surprise in Germany. Prices in Poland have taken a dip. In addition, a turnaround has been observed for the average butter prices in the EU.
Dairy Products
Jan 16, 2020

Butter: revival in EU market activities

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Although the weekly EU butter prices range lower, market activities are slowly picking up in Germany and in Poland.
Dairy Products
Dec 5, 2019

Butter: market satisfied with Christmas sales

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Reports in Germany state that milk arrivals have reached their season low. The Milk Producers Association in Bavaria (MVB) reports that the Christmas sales continue at a high level in the retail market. EU butter exports have further improved in September.
Dairy Products
Oct 17, 2019

Butter: US sanctions to have considerable impact

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. If the US and the EU fail to meet an agreement, the US will impose a trade tariff of 25% on all EU dairy imports as of 18 October. The impact on the butter market will, however, not only be felt in the EU but also within the US. Market players in Germany are meanwhile relying on the cold-storage supplies.
Dairy Products
Oct 11, 2019

Aldi and Lidl forced to recall discounter milk

ZEVEN/BERLIN. As media in Germany report the Deutsche Milchkontor GmbH and Fude + Serrahn Milchprodukte GmbH & Co. KG have recalled durable semi skimmed milk 1.5%. As the DMK ranks among the largest dairies in Germany and Fude + Serrahn is one of the largest suppliers for milk products the recall concerns several discounters such as Aldi and Lidl…
Dairy Products
Sep 19, 2019

Butter: Highly competitive prices

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Although the butter prices are slowly recovering throughout the EU, they are nevertheless trading as much as 16% below the five-year moving average. In Germany, the market is most certainly preparing for Christmas, whereas demand still ha to pick up in parts of the US.
Dairy Products
Sep 12, 2019

Butter: Surge in EU exports

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Retailers in Germany are anything but satisfied with the current sales figures for table butter and the market for bulk butter remains difficult. In the EU the butter prices have changed direction and the US offers high potential for the exporters in the EU.
Dairy Products
Sep 6, 2019

Butter: Unexpected developments in the EU

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. The current market situation in the EU has taken market players by surprise in Germany. Meanwhile, the EU Commission also records a shift in the international market.
Dairy Products
Aug 30, 2019

Butter: Prices in the EU cause irritation

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. While the sales are up for table butter in Germany, the negotiations in the market for bulk butter are not quite as easy. Trouble is that cheaper offers in Western and in Eastern Europe are causing irritation.
Dairy Products
Aug 22, 2019

Butter: Rise in EU exports

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. While the market in Germany is witnessing a slow but sure revival, the EU Commission reports a further decline in prices.
Dairy Products
Aug 8, 2019

Butter: Dairies long for end of summer break

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. After the prices for bulk butter have again declined, market players in the EU are starting to wonder when they will finally level off. Even the current USDA price comparison shows a rather astonishing discrepancy between the butter prices in the EU and in the international market.
Dairy Products
Aug 2, 2019

Butter: Market fails to meet expectations

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Although the revival in demand for long term contracts prompted hopes that the general demand for bulk butter would revive in Germany, the current price development again indicates how unpredictable the market has become.
Dairy Products
Jul 25, 2019

Butter: Subdued demand continues

BRUSSELS/BERLIN. Butter is being controversially discussed in Germany. Problem are the CO2 emmissions. Meanwhile, demand for bulk butter is still very subdued.
Dairy Products
Jul 18, 2019

Butter: Difficult price negotiations in Germany

WASHINGTON, D.C./BRUSSELS The low butter prices have noticeably stimulated export trade for butter from the EU. In Germany, however, buyers and seller are having difficulties agreeing on prices.
Dairy Products
Jul 4, 2019

Butter: A small price turnaround

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. After the EU market witnessed a continuous decline in recent weeks there now seems to be a break. A similar development has been observed in Germany.
Dairy Products
Jun 27, 2019

Butter: EU butter prices decline by 32%

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. The hot weather has an impact on the dairy market in Germany. With butter prices declining by as much as 32% in the EU, the market stands a very good chance in the export market. Market players are nevertheless disappointed.
Dairy Products
Jun 6, 2019

Butter: Subdued demand

FRANKFURT/BRUSSELS. Although prices are on an attractive level, the European Commission has nevertheless recorded a considerable dent in exports in January to February. In Germany, the buyers are trying their very best to secure low prices.
Dairy Products
May 10, 2019

Butter: EU exports decline

FRANKFRUT/BRUSSELS. According to the European Commission, the EU currently is highly competitive in terms of prices. In Germany, the unusually cold weather and a decline in sales volumes has dampened market sentiments. Nevertheless, the market for bulk butter appears to be reviving.
Dairy Products
Apr 26, 2019

Butter: Unpredictable market

FRANKFURT. Market players in Germany are becoming increasingly exasperated. Problem is that the market is becoming more and more unpredictable.
Dairy Products
Mar 25, 2019

Brexit spells prolonged uncertainty for dairy market

BERLIN. According to a recently issued statement by the Association of the German Dairy Industry, Brexit and contract negotiations were the key issued discussed at the 10th Milk Forum in Berlin. The forum reflects the challenges the industry is confronted with.
Dairy Products
Mar 14, 2019

Butter: Improved prospects in the EU

FRANKFURT. The March negotiations have set a new price level for packet butter in Germany. Market players are, however, observing the developments in the market for bulk butter with some exasperation. And yet, optimistic sentiments are afloat in Europe.
Dairy Products
Mar 6, 2019

Butter: Nervous sentiments in Germany

FRANKFURT. While low retail prices fail to impress consumers in Germany, the market is deeply concerned over the developments in the market for bulk butter.
Dairy Products
Feb 5, 2019

Butter: New Aldi price comes as a shock

FRANKFURT. In January, the market almost came to a complete standstill with all eyes set on the contract negotiations with the retailers for February. Now Aldi has announced a new price, which spells disaster for the market in Germany.
Dairy Products
Jan 25, 2019

Butter: Contrary developments in Germany and Poland

FRANKFURT. While market players in Germany are generally satisfied with the way things are going, a dramatic price turnaround has taken place in Poland.
Dairy Products
Dec 14, 2018

Butter: Demand revives

FRANKFURT. The pre-Christmas sales for packet butter are still running smoothly in Germany. Meanwhile, the offers for bulk butter are turning out to be rather heterogeneous.
Dairy Products
Nov 29, 2018

Butter: Gloss on figures required

FRANKFURT. The market in Germany is highly satisfied with the pre-Christmas sales in the retail markets for packet butter. Price reductions at the beginning of November have most certainly spurred consumer demand. At the same time, a shift is expected to take place in the market for bulk butter.
Dairy Products
Nov 16, 2018

Butter: Market regains hope in Germany

FRANKFURT/LODZ. After the unexpected price slump for bulk butter in Germany, market analysts have now regained some confidence again. In addition, it should be noted that Christmas is drawing near.
Dairy Products
Oct 19, 2018

Butter: Revival in retail demand

FRANKFURT/LODZ. Although the market for bulk butter in Germany remains struck after speculators caused an unexpected plunge in prices, there are signs of revival.
Dairy Products
Oct 15, 2018

Butter: Price development comes as a shock to buyers

FRANKFURT. The price development in Germany has taken the entire market by surprise and comes as a shock to buyers. As estimates can no longer be trusted it seems that the whole market has changed.
Dairy Products
Oct 5, 2018

Butter: Prices take a surprising turn

FRANKFURT/LODZ. Market observers agree that the butter market in Germany is proving rather mysterious at the moment. Although the hot and dry summer left the farmers with insufficient feed supplies for the winter and demand was set to revive after the summer holidays, the prices for butter have taken a surprisingly mixed turn.
Dairy Products
Aug 27, 2018

Butter: Prices affected by drought

FRANKFURT/LODZ. The summer months were marked by extremely high temperatures and dryness in Germany and Poland resulting in massive crop losses. These conditions have also left their mark on the butter market.
Dairy Products
Jul 27, 2018

Butter: Aldi purchasing price sets agenda

FRANKFURT/LODZ. Aldi and the dairies in Germany have negotiated a new purchasing price for non-blended butter this week. Market players agree that it will set the agenda for the butter prices in August.
Dairy Products
Jul 19, 2018

Butter: Internal demand weighs on EU exports

WASHINGTON D.C./FRANKFURT. The Foreign Agricultural Service has drastically revised its EU butter production estimates in the most recently published dairy report. Market players in Germany are becoming increasingly concerned over the impact the persisting dry weather will have on feed supplies. Butter may become a luxury product in post-Brexit UK.
Dairy Products
May 18, 2018

Butter: Prices continue to rise in Germany

FRANKFURT. The market in Germany has witnessed a surge in prices over the last few weeks. Now the asparagus and barbecue season has driven prices up further.
Dairy Products
May 14, 2018

Butter prices set to increase

FRANKFURT. Solid demand should drive up the butter prices in the near term. Suppliers in Poland have already raised their prices.