Market updates on grains with up-to-date price trends
Jul 3, 2024

Millet: upbeat expectations in China

DALIAN/BRUSSELS. Production prospects are highly encouraging for millet in China. Although Ukraine is the main supplier for the EU, the bloc still heavily relies on Russia as recent import figures show. Sowing in Ukraine has missed the target.
Jul 3, 2024

Buckwheat: EU confronted with slumps

DALIAN/BRUSSELS. Domestic supplies for buckwheat have dwindled in China. EU imports have declined sharply in 2023/2024. Sowing has witnessed a dip in Ukraine.
Jun 5, 2024

Millet: good prospects in China

DALIAN/KYIV. By the end of May, millet farmers in Ukraine had sown 75% of the planned acreage. Meanwhile, larger areas under cultivation and good growing conditions in China give hope for an increase in production.
Jun 5, 2024

Buckwheat: 22% of the Ukrainian acreage still to be sown

DALIAN/KYIV. In Ukraine, 22% of the area planted with buckwheat is still outstanding, with 124,800 ha planned in total. In China, market players expect sowing to be lower than initially assumed.
Apr 3, 2024

Buckwheat: EU imports have halved

DALIAN/BRUSSELS. The Chinese buckwheat market is currently characterised by low trading activity. Shipments to the EU have also roughly halved this year.
Apr 3, 2024

Millet: Ukraine increases shipments to the EU

DALIAN/BRUSSELS. Chinese growers are holding back their supplies, but buying interest is also moderate. Meanwhile, the EU has increased its millet imports by 22% this year.
Feb 28, 2024

Buckwheat: firm market in China

DALIAN. Buckwheat quotations are surprisingly firm in China considering that export demand is on the rise. Germany's imports from China surged by 44% in 2023.
Feb 28, 2024

Millet: Germany cuts back on imports

DALIAN/WIESBADEN. Farmers in China are reluctant to sell millet. Germany has slashed its imports from China by 20%.
Feb 7, 2024

Millet: global production to decline by 4% in 2023/2024

DALIAN. Large stocks and low demand could put pressure on prices; this is not immediately apparent to foreign buyers due to increased freight costs, nevertheless it is causing concern for Chinese exporters.
Feb 6, 2024

Buckwheat: export orders are delayed

DALIAN. High freight costs are making buckwheat trade difficult for Chinese exporters. In addition, domestic demand also leaves much to be desired.
Jan 18, 2024

Buckwheat: organic goods from China remain competitive

DALIAN. Imported buckwheat is outperforming the domestic crop in the Chinese market. Meanwhile, the first few months of the new season have seen noticeable shifts in the main sourcing countries for German imports.
Jan 18, 2024

Millet: German imports from Russia have increased tenfold

DALIAN. The Chinese millet market remains quiet in the new year so far. Meanwhile, Germany has increased its imports from Russia massively.
Dec 6, 2023

Buckwheat: higher yields in Ukraine

DALIAN/KYIV. High imports continue to put pressure on buckwheat prices in the Chinese market. Meanwhile, production in Ukraine increased by a good 30% compared to last year.
Dec 5, 2023

Millet: Ukrainian production up by 80%

DALIAN/KYIV. Despite lower yields this season, larger cultivation areas in Ukraine have ensured that the millet crop has increased by 80% compared to last year. Meanwhile, the Chinese market remains quiet.
Nov 1, 2023

Millet: harvesting nearly complete in Ukraine

DALIAN/KYIV. Harvesting is nearing completion in Ukraine. Weak demand for millet is giving rise to concerns in China and shipments to Germany have declined.
Oct 30, 2023

Buckwheat: price slumps in China

DALIAN/KYIV. Buckwheat prices have declined sharply in China in recent weeks, but trading is relatively subdued. Harvesting is nearly complete in Ukraine.
Oct 11, 2023

Millet: low demand in China

DALIAN/GDANSK. As the Chinese millet market is in the low season, there is little buying interest and hardly any trading is taking place. This is also reflected in the prices. In Poland, meanwhile, the construction of the first grain port is planned.
Oct 11, 2023

Buckwheat: new grain corridor for Ukraine

DALIAN/KYIV. Ukraine's president Volodymyr Zelensky announced a new grain corridor on 10 October. Intention is that shipments will pass through Moldova to Romania and enable Ukraine to supply the world market with grains. Focus has shifted towards the new crop in China and prices are up.
Sep 6, 2023

Buckwheat: Germany increases imports massively

KYIV/DALIAN. The harvest in Ukraine is progressing well and 14% of the acreage have been harvested so far. Meanwhile, Germany increased its buckwheat imports by a whopping 130% in June 2023.
Sep 6, 2023

Millet: harvest in Ukraine is in full swing

KYIV/DALIAN. In Ukraine, the millet harvest is progressing well. At the same time, Germany significantly reduced its June imports compared to last year.
Aug 2, 2023

Millet: Germany increases import volume

DALIAN. Germany has increased its millet imports by around 14% in May 2023, but the seasonal deficit cannot be wiped out. Meanwhile, millet prices are stagnating in China.
Aug 2, 2023

Buckwheat: optimistic prospects in China

DALIAN. In China, the buckwheat crop is developing well, according to reports. Meanwhile, German imports increased by a whopping 55% in May 2023.
Jul 11, 2023

Quinoa: early harvest in Paraguay

LIMA/SUCRE. According to market players, quinoa production in Peru was lower than expected. In Paraguay, however, farmers were able to start harvesting earlier than planned.
Jul 6, 2023

Buckwheat: declining production despite larger acreage

KYIV/DALIAN. This year, Ukrainian buckwheat growers have sown a larger area than originally planned. Nevertheless, a decline in production compared to last year cannot be ruled out.
Jul 5, 2023

Millet: larger crop in Ukraine

KYIV/DALIAN. In Ukraine, the goal for millet cultivation could not be reached, but if growing conditions remain stable, the crop may still exceed last year's result.
May 31, 2023

Buckwheat: acreage in Ukraine has grown significantly

DALIAN/KYIV. China's imports from Europe declined in spring. In Ukraine, sowing progressed well, which is why the area under cultivation has grown significantly compared to last year.
May 31, 2023

Millet: sowing to fail to lift production in Ukraine and Russia

DALIAN/KYIV. Although sowing has risen sharply for millet in Ukraine and Russia, production is not expected to increase to the same extent. Estimates differ for China.
May 25, 2023

Quinoa: smaller crop in Peru

LIMA/SUCRE. Harvest delays and yield declines in Peru are leaving their mark on the quinoa market. The EU imported around 15% less quinoa in 2022.
Apr 26, 2023

Buckwheat: EU imports up by 15%

BEIJING/KYIV. Sowing for the 2023 buckwheat crop is underway in Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Chinese market is under pressure due to import bans and the EU also increased its imports noticeably last year.
Apr 26, 2023

Millet: sowing starts in Ukraine

BEIJING/KYIV. Chinese growers want to dispose of their old stocks as soon as possible. Meanwhile, farmers in Ukraine have started sowing for this year's crop.
Apr 5, 2023

Millet: Germany reduces imports by 3%

DALIAN. The Chinese millet market remains immune to significant fluctuations. Meanwhile, Germany has reduced its imports this season.
Apr 5, 2023

Buckwheat: price declines in China

DALIAN. Imports put pressure on prices in the Chinese market. Meanwhile, Germany is increasingly buying goods from Latvia and Kazakhstan.
Mar 1, 2023

Buckwheat: growers' tactics are not working out

DALIAN. There is little change in the Chinese buckwheat market at present, and farmers' hopes for price increases have not yet been fulfilled. In Ukraine, the acreage could increase again in 2023.
Mar 1, 2023

Millet: quiet market in China

DALIAN. As usual, the Chinese millet market shows little activity in the weeks after the New Year celebrations. This also affects export prices.
Feb 1, 2023

Millet: just under 102,000 mt in Ukraine

DALIAN/KYIV. The millet harvest in Ukraine was finished comparatively late, with a lower result than last year. Meanwhile, Germany's imports increased by about 4% year-on-year.
Feb 1, 2023

Buckwheat: production growth in Ukraine

DALIAN/KYIV. Despite all adversities, the buckwheat crop in Ukraine turned out larger than last year. Germany's imports, meanwhile, declined by 5% year-on-year.
Nov 30, 2022

Millet: acreage in Ukraine shrinks to 43,000 ha

BEIJING/KYIV. According to official data, Ukraine harvested significantly less millet than in previous years, while the US Department of Agriculture predicts a similar crop for China as in 2021.
Nov 30, 2022

Buckwheat: Ukraine harvests 156,500 mt

BEIJING/KYIV. According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture's data, significantly more buckwheat was harvested in 2022 than in the previous two years. Germany has increased its imports from Poland. Meanwhile, there is a lack of demand in the Chinese market.
Oct 28, 2022

Millet: Ukraine expects about 100,000 mt

BEIJING/KYIV. There is a lack of demand in the Chinese millet market. Meanwhile, the harvest in Ukraine is entering its final phase, with 93% of the acreage already harvested.
Oct 28, 2022

Buckwheat: little movement in the market

BEIJING/KYIV. In Ukraine, the buckwheat harvest is coming to a close, with about 90% of the acreage harvested so far. Meanwhile, demand in the Chinese market leaves much to be desired.
Sep 21, 2022

Buckwheat: lower yields due to heat

BEIJING. The buckwheat harvest is underway and it is becoming clear that the extreme drought has also left its mark here. Prices have nevertheless dropped slightly.
Sep 20, 2022

Millet: prices might decline further

BEIJING. Despite the arrival of the new crop, demand for millet in the Chinese market remains moderate due to Covid restrictions. Meanwhile, exports to Germany are at a similar level to last year.
Aug 31, 2022

Millet: new crop from China

BEIJING. New millet from Inner Mongolia should be available on the market from the beginning of September. Meanwhile, the price trend in recent weeks has been downward.
Aug 30, 2022

Buckwheat: new crop is delayed

BEIJING. The late sowing in parts of China means that the new crop will not be available on the market until mid-September in some cases.
Aug 3, 2022

Millet: subdued demand weighs on market

BEIJING. High temperatures are slowing trading activities in China and have damaged the millet crop. Refiners would like to see more orders coming in.
Aug 3, 2022

Buckwheat: ideal conditions

BEIJING. Rain has created ideal conditions for the new buckwheat crop in China. Demand is, however, leaving much to be desired.
Jun 29, 2022

Millet: sowing in Ukraine shrunk by more than 35%

BEIJING/KYIV. In China, demand in the millet market is low. Missing supplies from Russia and Ukraine were partly covered by the USA. The acreage in Ukraine has shrunk by more than 35%.
Jun 29, 2022

Buckwheat: acreage in Ukraine declines by 10%

BEIJING/KYIV. In Ukraine, buckwheat sowing declined by 10% year-on-year. Meanwhile, prices in the Chinese market are increasing due to lower availability.