Market updates on oilseeds and vegetable oils with up-to-date price trends
Oct 21, 2024

Peanuts: high arrivals push prices down

NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. In India, more and more goods are reaching the markets and the high availability will soon be reflected in prices. In the USA and Argentina, the acreage is larger and Brazilian exports are in sharp decline.
Oct 17, 2024

Sesame seeds: searching for alternatives

NEW DELHI/ABUJA. Due to the smaller crop, Indian sesame seed traders will be buying larger quantities from overseas in the coming months. Nigeria's sesame seed crop will be available on the market from November.
Oct 16, 2024

Sunflower seeds: differing estimates

SOFIA/KYIV. The US Department of Agriculture has made adjustments to the sunflower seed production in 2024 in its latest WASDE report. Current crop estimates for Eastern Europe were also discussed during the 10th International Conference “Black Sea Oil Trade - 2024”.
Oct 16, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: buyers demand pesticide analysis

DALIAN. As the pesticide contamination of Chinese GWS kernels is steadily increasing, many buyers are now only purchasing goods with appropriate certification. This is causing considerable differences in prices. Meanwhile, demand has increased noticeably and organic goods are in short supply.
Oct 15, 2024

Blue poppy seeds: high demand

CHRUDIM. The unofficial production estimates of market players are still more than satisfactory. However, the quality of the crop is said to have some shortcomings.
Oct 15, 2024

Poppy seeds: export challenges

AYDIN. India’s refusal to issue an import quota for poppy seeds is a big challenge for exporters in Turkey. Official production estimates have been published for this year’s crop, which is ready to be shipped. January might prove a game changer for this highly competitive industry.
Oct 14, 2024

Peanuts: high sales of bird food

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. With winter approaching, many European buyers are currently stocking up on peanuts to feed migratory birds. In India, large quantities of the new crop are reaching the markets.
Oct 10, 2024

Flaxseed: export restrictions for Kazakhstan

ASTANA. Russia has left a wide gap in the EU's supply chain for flaxseed as recent import statistics show. Kazakhstan is confronted with export and transit restrictions in Russia.
Oct 10, 2024

Sesame seeds: first new crop arrivals

NEW DELHI/ABUJA. Arrivals are about to pick up for sesame seeds in India. Harvesting is underway in Nigeria and in Somalia. Demand is up in the EU as recent import statistics show.
Oct 9, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: hoarding hype for organic supplies

DALIAN. Farmers are refusing toll sell pumpkin seeds at current rates. Traders report a hoarding hype for organic seeds.
Oct 9, 2024

Sunflower seeds: only few exceptions

KYIV/SOFIA. With producers reluctant to sell and production declines being reported the prices for sunflower seeds are on the rise. Only few producing countries are expecting a larger crop this year.
Oct 7, 2024

Peanuts: crop size speculations in India

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Farmers are busy harvesting peanuts in India. Hurricane Helene has had quite an impact on the US supply chain. Drought conditions are a challenge in Argentina and Brazil. Reports are quite mixed in China.
Oct 4, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: Kazakhstan risks cold trade war

BRUSSELS/ASTANA. Trade tensions are escalating between Russia and Kazakhstan over cheap wheat. The East Coast strike has disrupted US corn and soybean exports. Lower yields and high demand are exacerbating the EU supply squeeze for rapeseed.
Oct 2, 2024

Sesame seeds: rain to reduce output

NEW DELHI/KHARTOUM. Anticipations already range lower for sesame seeds than initital projections for last year's crop in India. Rain may also have and additional impact. Prospects are quite encouraging in Sudan and Pakistan.
Oct 2, 2024

Flaxseed: encouraging prospects in Kazakhstan

ASTANA. According to the production estimates issued by the Kazakh Grain Union (KGU) flaxseed yields will recover considerably this year. Yet, exports have slumped.
Oct 2, 2024

Sunflower seeds: new crop weighs on prices in China

SOFIA/DALIAN. In China the new crop is arriving and demand is high for sunflower seeds. The European Commission has once again revised the production estimates downwards.
Oct 1, 2024

Mustard seeds: prospects good for exports

OTTAWA/KYIV. Despite the recent downward revisions, prospects are much more upbeat for mustard seeds in Canada than last year. EU imports show a clear trend.
Sep 30, 2024

Peanuts: waiting for arrivals to pick up

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Trading dynamics may change overnight in India. Risk is that speculators will try to drive up prices in China. US shellers need to assess how much they can handle. Suppliers in Argentina are casting a nervous look on US prices.
Sep 27, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: mysterious upsurge in EU demand

BRUSSELS. Dry weather conditions have delayed sowing for wheat in Ukraine and in Russia. Demand for corn has surged in Spain. Much to the detriment of US suppliers China has turned to Brazil for soybeans. Eastern European rapeseed does not stand a chance against the attractive rates prevailing for canola in Canada.
Sep 26, 2024

Flaxseed: possible production increase in Kazakhstan

OTTAWA/ASTANA. The forecasts for the Canadian flaxseed crop have once again been revised slightly downwards. However, hopes for a successful export season remain high. In Kazakhstan, the harvest is now almost complete and growers are expecting a significantly better result than last year.
Sep 26, 2024

Sesame seeds: new crop available from mid-October

NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD. The sesame seed harvest in India is starting these days and the first shipments should take place in mid-October. Growers in Pakistan have also already completed the majority of their harvest.
Sep 25, 2024

Sunflower seeds: Coceral publishes crop corrections

SOFIA/KYIV. Even if the results this year are disappointing, at least the harvesting process itself is progressing well in n both Russia and Ukraine. Meanwhile, the experts at Coceral have updated their forecast for the EU crop.
Sep 25, 2024

Blue poppy seeds: higher availability in autumn

CHRUDIM. The Czech poppy seed market is satisfied with the production result. Further price declines are expected in the coming weeks.
Sep 24, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: high demand for organic goods

DALIAN. The harvest of conventional pumpkin seeds is coming to an end in China, while organic goods are still being harvested until the end of October. Buyers are currently holding back, as prices are in a downward spiral and will continue to decline.
Sep 23, 2024

Peanuts: tariff increases make an impact

NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. The increase in tariffs on edible oil imports is having a noticeable impact on the Indian peanut market. Little is currently happening in China, while the acreage in Brazil is being expanded.
Sep 19, 2024

Flaxseed: EU has increased imports from Canada 18-fold

OTTAWA/ASTANA. The high import duties on Russian flaxseed are having a greater impact on EU imports from week to week. Other origins are currently benefiting greatly from this.
Sep 19, 2024

Sesame seeds: India's exports up by 8%

NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD. Smaller acreages and high freight costs make it difficult for Indian sesame seed traders to keep up with other producing countries. At the same time, India has recorded growing exports this year.
Sep 18, 2024

Sunflower seeds: downward revisions to global crop forecasts

SOFIA/KYIV. In the WASDE report published last week, the US Department of Agriculture adjusted its forecasts for global sunflower seed crops. As expected, the estimates for the EU and Ukraine were revised downwards.
Sep 18, 2024

Olive oil: export restrictions lifted

IZMIR. The Turkish olive oil sector can breathe a sigh of relief. With the prospect of a global increase in production, the restrictions on Turkish olive oil exports have been lifted ahead of schedule.
Sep 16, 2024

Peanuts: tariffs become a challenge

NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. In India, peanut growers are protesting against the lifting of import duties on vegetable oils, as they are already struggling with the low prices. In the USA, much depends on the outcome of the upcoming election, as tariffs could be imposed for the EU and China.
Sep 12, 2024

Flaxseed: mixed start to the season

OTTAWA/ASTANA. With the gradual increase in tariffs on imports of Russian flaxseed into the EU, buyers are looking for alternative suppliers. Canadian traders, meanwhile, are worried about their relations with China.
Sep 12, 2024

Sesame seeds: unfavourable weather conditions in India and China

NEW DELHI/BEIJING. In addition to smaller acreages, heavy rainfall in some Indian cultivation regions has impaired production results. Massive yield losses are also expected in China.
Sep 11, 2024

Sunflower seeds: yield decline in Ukraine

KYIV/SOFIA. With each passing week, market players' concerns about declining yields are being confirmed. In Ukraine, the harvest has progressed significantly further than last year.
Sep 9, 2024

Peanuts: Argentine exporters fully occupied

NEW DELHI/BUENOS AIRES. Argentinian peanut suppliers have their hands full at the moment. Brazilian importers are also sourcing as much produce as possible from the neighbouring country. In India, rains have brought relief.
Sep 6, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: worries over new plague in Argentina

BRUSSELS. Australia may have put the wheat market in Asia under pressure but the situation is different in Russia and the EU. Drought and cicadas are a worry for corn. Argentina’s farmers will switch to soybeans. In a standoff with Canada China has issued an anti-dumping investigation concerning canola.
Sep 5, 2024

Sesame seeds: damage due to heavy rains

NEW DELHI/BRUSSELS. Rainfall has broken all records in the state of Gujarat in India, extensive damages are being reported for sesame seeds.
Sep 5, 2024

Blue poppy seeds: new crop puts pressure on prices

CHRUDIM/BUDAPEST. This year's significantly better crop is putting pressure on prices in the blue poppy seed market. However, the quality of the seeds will not be able to fulfil all requirements.
Sep 4, 2024

Sunflower seeds: official EU crop forecast reduced again

SOFIA/KYIV. With the renewed downward revision, the European Commission's forecasts for the 2024 EU sunflower seed crop are now below 10 million mt. Market players still consider some of the estimates to be too optimistic.
Sep 3, 2024

Pumpkin seeds: up to 30% more shine skins

DALIAN. The shine skin crop in China is significantly larger than last year, and with the carry-over stocks from the current season, supplies should be more than secured. The GWS crop is less abundant, but has also developed well.
Sep 2, 2024

Peanuts: US growers hope for rainfall

NEW DELHI/ATLANTA. Next week, the probability of rain is increasing in the US growing regions – the precipitation is urgently needed and farmers are pinning all their hopes on the change in weather. In India, however, the weather has been extremely favourable so far.
Aug 30, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: drought claims headlines

BRUSSELS. This year the quality of the wheat harvested in France is exceptionally bad. Bulgaria’s corn exports have come to a near standstill due to drought. This is also an issue for sowing soybeans in Brazil and the reason why winter rapeseed sowing has been delayed in Ukraine.
Aug 29, 2024

Mustard seeds: Canadian crop fails to meet expectations

OTTAWA/BRUSSELS. In Canada, yields of the new crop are falling short of expectations. Meanwhile, the country has become the most important third-country supplier for the EU in the first weeks of the new 2024/2025 season.
Aug 29, 2024

Flaxseed: positive crop prospects in Canada

ASTANA/OTTAWA. While import tariffs on Russian flaxseed complicate long-term planning and create uncertainty in the market, market players are confident that smaller origins will not adjust their prices excessively, at least for the time being.
Aug 29, 2024

Sunflower seeds: yields slump in Ukraine

KYIV/DALIAN. Harvesting is underway in Ukraine. Yet, the heat and drought witnessed in recent weeks have left their traces on the plants. First reports are devastating and the situation is not much better in other producing countries.
Aug 26, 2024

Peanuts: Indian government to buy almost 100,000 mt

NEW DELHI/BRASÍLIA. The government in Gujarat has promised farmers to buy significantly more peanuts for the coming season than last year. In Brazil, offers for the new crop are still a long time coming.
Aug 23, 2024

Grains and oilseeds: buyers shun Russia

BRUSSELS. With buyers shunning Russian wheat Ukraine has seized the opportunity to step up exports. Railway strikes are disrupting trading activities for corn and rapeseed in North America. A bumper crop for US soybeans is very well possible.
Aug 22, 2024

Sesame seeds: declining cultivation figures in India

NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD. Indian sesame seed farmers are busy sowing the kharif crop. So far, however, the acreages in the main growing regions are well down on last year.
Aug 21, 2024

Sunflower seeds: reduced crop forecasts

KYIV/BUKAREST. High temperatures and a lack of rainfall are causing problems for sunflower seed farmers in Eastern Europe. Even though this crop can withstand the hot weather better than others, growers in some regions have had to start harvesting early.